It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Matt at the Episcopal Church

Everybody at the church refers me to the one that is always journaling. I left my journal sit as I went to look for items that I needed at the church it was sitting on the table and apparently that meant several people took it upon themselves to read it. Just because it's sitting on a table doesn't mean that you have permission to read it. By doing so you showed everybody that you have no Integrity no class and no morals. Matt read the journal and then went to one of the volunteers at the church. I overheard his conversation and I think it's because he wanted me to overhear the conversation. He kept pointing at me and saying you know that one that always journals I read her journal and you should see the crazy things that are in that journal she's crazy. Yes that's what you think Matt you go right ahead. The woman he was talking to knows exactly what's happening she's completely aware and she's been briefed on the real story Matt acting stupid made her very uncomfortable she smiled and nodded and tried not to be rude to him. Sorry Matt you're a fool she knows exactly what's happening and she knows the things that are in my journal are not lunacy. Matt is a fool and in my Bible being a fool is same as death.
Poor Matt when he learns the truth and what's happening right here under his nose and he's too much of a fool to be aware of what's Happening. Wait until the truth is told to the entire nation a man realizes what is sucker he is. The things that weren't in the journal that Matt didn't see is the fact that this church is being controlled and manipulated by Foreign agents. He would probably find this to be lunacy and crazy until he watches them be arrested and tried in a court of law for espionage. And when Matt is charged with collusion or obstruction of justice what a fool my journal is going to see really did you think that was going to work the woman you're talking to knows exactly what's happening do you think you're going to convince her I'm crazy I never share my story with anybody Matt only people that have no class and no Coupes reading my journal when they never had any permission to do so those are the people who are crazy disgusting traitors to our nation

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