It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama,
Michelle Obama has been talking about the attacks of President Trump on her family how it has affected her family in the negative capacity how they were in fear for their lives. Book written
I'm calling out to Michelle Obama today because my family is being attacked my family is being a text by your husband. I can't imagine why this is okay you didn't like it when your family was attacked but I'm alone out here fighting against your evil husband.
A couple of days ago your husband Barack Obama came up with the brilliant idea that indoor order to create suicidal tendencies an emotional breakdown in me he would have to go through my children. He been instructed all of his demonic police officers that are helping him to contact my children by the Internet. All of the little puppets that Barack Obama is controlling are now subjecting my children to psychological warfare online. They are befriending my children video games and social media. As they develop a relationship with my children and get my children to trust them they will then subject them to psychological warfare convincing them that they should hate their mother telling them lies about their mother. Eventually they will convince my children that I'm some sort of demon Criminal they will convince my children that they should hate their mother. They're very good at psychological games and psychological warfare they were trained by Foreign agents. 80% of all the police force in San Antonio Texas are sociopaths who commit crimes on a daily basis these are the people that Barack Obama is controlling like puppets who are doing his evil bidding.
I'm calling out to Michelle Obama because I know that she does not agree with what Barack is doing that's why they're divorcing. I need the attacks on my children to stop I need to keep these demons away from my children. I don't know where my children are and the Lord investigation team has gone completely ghost silent they are not helping me they won't even give me a simple bottle of antibiotics that I desperately need they won't give me any money so I can eat. This is their way of conducting an investigation allowing Barack Obama to subject me to torture starvation to subject me to the psychological warfare that he hopes will cause me to take my own life so he doesn't have to do it.
Michelle I need help my children need help I'm hoping that you'll see the attacked on my children my family are horrific and I can't fight against this alone. I need to make America where I need to rally all the mothers and this country and form them of horse been happening to my children and I and form them that we have been separated for 5 and a half years because Barack Obama lost his mind. Because Hillary Clinton Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro and began attacking us and Obama stepped in the attacks from him are ten times more cruel and demonic he had absolutely no sympathy no apathy empathy no respect for human life. He treats my life and the lives of my children like they are expendable. I'm not sure if when the Obamas were telling the nation that the attacks on their family was horrific and it should never happen to anybody perhaps they were just referring to their family perhaps it doesn't matter what happens to other families. It's amazingly hypocritical you wanted the nation to sympathize with you because your family was under attack I've had people make a attempts on my life because Barack Obama asked them to do so.
My children will not survive the psychological games that are being played with them by the foreign agents and the sociopathic police officers that are helping Barack Obama. I need help I need to help my children I need to protect them from these demons. Please help me please help my children.

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