It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Yesterday I spent more than 6 hours walking around and the very hot weather walking through the foothills of Boerne and Leon Springs. I became upset that I wasn’t finished yet and I was exhausted so I laid down on the sidewalk in front of this dry cleaning business. When they arrived to work at 6 a.m. I stayed there even though I was awake I wanted to see what they would do I wanted to set them up for failure and that’s exactly what happened. They did not approach me they did not talk to me they did not ask me if I needed medical attention. They stayed far away as if they were afraid of me. Let me explain to you what these people do for a living they are in the business of customer service they have to talk to all sorts of individuals to do their job. They have to carry on conversations with people they don’t know people that they may find scary if they stereotyped them. There’s no excuse for them acting stupid and refusing to walk over to me and say are you all right do you need medical attention they did not do that and then they called First Responders and told them I need medical attention they lied. 
Of course I understand that they received a call from my ex husband and Joaquin Castro lying to them telling them I am insane they are going to learn a very expensive less because I will not let go of how negligent they acted. 
When you make false calls to the Fire Department, EMS, or the police department and you lie to them and say that their assistance is needed this is a felony. You will be fine the cost that it took those firemen to show up and when they showed up and started walking towards me I stood up said goodbye and walked away why because I don’t need their help and I certainly don’t need to have a conversation with somebody else who is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice abusing the system helping dirty politicians. This is fraud and I will be contacting the city of Leon Springs and making sure the employees of this cleaning business are fine the cost it took those firemen to show up. This is an abuse of the system and it there is no good excuse for anybody to be this stupid.
I did contact Leon Springs and my enemies became very upset sending me one message after another saying NO, STOP. I sent it through and it was received and Rep. Lopez played his part in this and his career is over. 
Let me tell the story one more time of Representative Lopez being a pervert to me and treating me like I am a piece of meat he was going to eat. Lopez is a pig people yet another sexual predator in our government the next case of assaulted women coming forward will be against this pervert. 
Leon Springs has some serious issues and most of their residents are monsters stalking and harassing an innocent mother fighting for her children. They all ganged up and attacked an innocent woman to help foreign agents that are attacking our country you are traders. 

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