It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 19, 2019

Friday August 16th at cam Ministries

On Friday at 6 p.m. I went to Camp Ministries for an event they were having. There was several men there who volunteer to help cam Ministries. They were all sitting in the prayer trailer we're people were signing up for showers. Somebody started to mention the Travis church and I shared my opinion as to why they are no longer allowed to call themselves the Methodist Church. I had been gaslighted into believing that the Travis church is no longer allowed to call themselves the Methodist Church because of emails I sent about the very serious crimes their employees have committed. Apparently they simply are no longer allowed to call themselves the Methodist because they support the lgbtq community. I had no idea the Methodist Church was prejudiced against gay people. I learned something new because all of these men that were sitting there have Micro Expressions that were so easy to read. Allow me to tell you about the sick men sitting there I'm going to tell you in detail.
So these men are completely aware of who I am and they're completely aware of some of the fault stories that I have been fed some of them I believed some of them I knew were faults and I played games with my enemies heads using them. One of the stories I did actually believe was the fact that the Methodist Church it's no longer the message church because of the serious crimes that Gavin Rogers and many other employees committed. Believe it or not I thought they were being brought to Justice which in my case none of them have been brought to Justice and I need to stop thinking that it's even going to happen at all unless I make it happen. These men all knew that I had been gaslighted into believing this fault story and they find it funny. Aren't they cute what the hell is so funny about that I've had several attempts on my life I was forced to the streets my children and I have not been together in five and a half years and they are trapped with an abusive man being abused. These sociopathic men who are grown men are sitting there finding this comical. I find you to be extremely sick and unworthy to be members of society. Some of them are here from out of town they're being shown around by others were more seasoned and they've been here for a while. I understand that some of you might be investigating agents working on this case but I don't see anything funny about my situation. I don't know why you think you're funny because you know the truth and I'm handed false stories fantastic make-believe stories thank God that I repeated the story out loud this time I normally don't say anything. The micro Expressions on these men's faces were so very easy to read and I was able to figure out that the story was not true. I was then informed that Gavin Rogers would not be staying. I have no idea if they're talking about staying in the country or staying at the church. I have no idea if there's telling me that he's not from our country.
What I do know is that Gavin Rogers has committed some very serious crimes against me the man was collecting up criminals to send that me to assault me to end my life he instructed people to wrap their hands around my neck to squeeze the life out of me. And I'm supposed to accept that he simply won't be staying in the country or the church? I'm supposed to accept and be okay with the fact that the man's not going to prison where he belongs? I know you just remember that I received promises while James Comey was still investigating everybody will be brought to justice that means Gavin Rogers goes to prison that's the Justice I'm looking for. You leave him out there a member of society walking around people will die because he's that sick. I will not be standing for him not getting the prison sentence that he so richly deserves. I'll get my own attorneys and then I'll get the backing of every person in this nation and he will go where he belongs. You investigating agent seem to half step and settle was my life you're playing with it's my life you're sacrificing is my children's safety and well-being that you're sacrificing while you're Half Steppin half stuff your ass out of here.
As I'm begging to be pulled to safety as I'm a riddle in pain my body is now scarred begging you people to help me. When people are sent to kill me you just tell me to go the other way nobody is brought to Justice. We're in the middle of August nearing the end and you still have me out here and I'm still begging to be pulled in. If all of that isn't bad enough now I got to look in the faces of people who find it comical that I've been gaslighted into believing that these stupid fantastic ugly stories are true? Are these professional investigating agents would you like it if it was done to you how would you feel if it was your children being abused and you're going to sit there and laugh is it funny that my children have no mother for the last five and a half years is it funny that they're being abused and you're sitting on your ass laughing. Feast your eyes America these are the sociopath that we were lie on for our safety for justice to uphold our constitution they think it's funny that a woman's being tortured and they're sitting on their asses doing nothing half stepping through an investigation telling me that Gavin Rogers won't go to prison. O he doesn't get a prison sentence well good job announcing to the nation that you're incompetent a criminal doesn't go to prison

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