It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Foreign Officer spewing the words of Hillary and Obama

Ok you can look it up for yourself listen to what he says closely he is talking about the President creating fires and if you were standing where I am standing you would be able to see the lies from his mouth. Trump has done a lot wrong but the particular things this trader is listing are not only Trump's to own many of it is NOT factual.
Family separation? wait until the truth comes out; many of these families that were separated did not have matching DNA.
He is now talking about the detention centers being unfit ...He is repeating the words of the AOC. Have you been to a detention center for the immigrants? they are not unfit; you are unfit to be talking about it. You people are too simple to be mentioning or understanding that what they have now is so much more than what they had before reaching that border and the accommodations are a huge improvement to their former living conditions.
further in the interview you will hear him professing his loyalty to Obama saying his word is golden I use to think that too. I was very wrong and I am licking my wounds the entire country will be licking their woulds we will all be heart broken when the truth comes out.
Trump did not create a birth certificate conspiracy he was given the information and the information is very valid. WAS OBAMA BORN IN THE U.S. ? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Does Barack Obama hate President Putin? I thought so and then I was put through this torture and I am watching agents on the dark side and the light side out putting on a show. Some of them are so skilled they deserve the Grammy. So with that said does Obama and Putin hate each other. We see pictures of Obama yelling at him. I was given these pictures purposely because gas lighting me and keeping me guessing is so important to their mission of attacking Trump and creating havoc and Chaos in our country. A country divided is a weak country that can be over thrown.

I was fooled I was convinced, I put Obama on a pedestal. To be honest I felt indifferent towards the Obama's before the attacks on my family. I was gas lighted into believing he was helping me. The gas lighting worked and I put him on a pedestal and when people were screaming he is a criminal I defended him. My mistake that is done and over. After his elections speech in Illinois they(Austin foreign agent homebase), spliced a fake speech together and the one I saw was different than the speech everyone else saw and heard. In the speech I was delivered he acknowledged me and he announced that congress can vote a mayor out. He called me a hero and he never even thought such a thing. You will all see when the truth comes out all his speeches claiming to be all about upholding the constitution are lies. He is a wonderful actor. Look at Obama Care that is a piece of communism and it is flopping badly. I was selling 0 dollar monthly premium insurance coverage, after Obama care got out there those policies disappeared. You understand why right? Now that all you Americans are required to get the insurance they no longer had offer that deal to get sales. Everything went up.

There's so much more I'll come back to this 

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