It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

El Paso and Dayton Shootings

As long as investigators continue to drag their feet in this investigation refusing to wrap it up these mass shootings will continue to happen. They are purposeful attacks to bring down Trump the Latinos like Beto O'Rouke, Castro Brothers, AOC, don't care you has to die in an effort to ruin Trump these sick people have no morals and they have no respect for human life. When the investigation concludes you will see all the proof that young white men are targeted by these monsters. They are controlling their internet content and they are communicating with to brain wash them and play psychological games making them kill a mass of people thinking they are making a difference in this sick world. Sick because people like Beto O'Rouke think that sacrificing a few lives is worth their mission of attacking Trump. 
If the CIA, NSA, and FBI, don't conclude this investigation and put a stop to the sick politicians that are causing these problems then there are going to be a lot more deaths I will not be the ONLY causality of this thing that has been dragging out for years.  
But the investigators watching Beto O'Rouke commit serious crimes don't feel they have enough to put him in prison and they keep watching and laying around doing nothing but watching as people die watch as I am seething in pain and my children are being beat on. They could have concluded their investigation long before these shootings they could have put a stop to this. they could have grabbed all the foreign agents that are brain washing young men into believing that killing a mass of people will make a difference for the good. They just sit around watching.

Welcome to our sick intelligence agencies not only do I repetitively ask and beg to be pulled to safety they watch as my enemies case these mass shootings 
There is no morals in intelligence work. 

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