It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 6, 2022


not one single Good Samaritan in the bunch they all know my situation they all know that the NSA CIA and several FBI are attacking me they are all aware that the Eagan Police department is also helping to attack me holding my property false arrest throwing me in jail for 4 months and I just found out this morning that all of the jail records were removed from the system you cannot see any of the jail records there's no proof in their systems that I was in jail but don't worry I got plenty of proof names times dates court papers and I gave those police officers this morning my ID bracelet from the jail. all of these people know that I'm being tortured and then I'm being targeted they all treat me like I'm a criminal even though they are the ones committing the crime against me they are choosing to talk and harass me laughing and smiling about it. all of them get three square meals a day and the motel rooms that they stay in are paid for it with your tax dollars you're wondering why the molar probe cost so much and it's going into the billions I know exactly why it cost so much and I will tell you. it's because of all these monsters they're getting paid vacation. as long as big names are being used like a Lady Gaga and Haley something or another the ringmaster cat and Andrea who used to date Tatum Channing and the new Superman then all of these people are on board to help them out. they use these famous names these very popular people like Marshall Mathers to manipulate these people to think that they are special becoming a part of some sort of investigation being spotlight. what they're actually doing is committing very serious crimes what they're doing is becoming bullies I can't imagine being in their position saying no to somebody like Lady Gaga. but I do know that I would never agree to watch somebody starve to death as I walk past them over and over again taunting them terrorizing them hoping to create an emotional and mental breakdown I know that I wouldn't do it. because I am what you say I am and I certainly am not the monsters that you are.

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