It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 26, 2022

Hayley the cat ringmaster

this individual is staying at The Graduate the same place Haley the cat the ringmaster is staying this is the car that she was driving this it looks just like the one she was driving the one Haley was driving was a brand new vehicle she was at the Target and not so nice of a neighborhood at the same time I was at the Target obviously she knew I was there. I could hear her whining and crying and saying oh my God oh my God just because I was there at the same time. this cycle so she okay took my bank account and made sure that I was starving today this psycho has her boyfriend raping me. this psychopath couldn't even so much as by me a morsel of food. now the dumb b**** is sending people to tell me to beg for food at all the restaurants. the stupid whore is locking up my bank account refusing to give me my own money. telling me to beg for food at the restaurant. i already did that. they won't give me anything they know who i am . they all help to attack me keeping me starving and homeless sleeping on a park bench. she is the one that is telling me that i can't have anything no food and no money unless i beg for it. this is her solution to my starvation she causes to tell me to beg for food. this psycho bitch says she is too pretty to go to the moon. she has another thing coming because the moon is exactly where she is going. her dumbass boyfriend is a rapist and she instructs him to rape as she tries to convince not only me but other unsuspecting women that they want to sleep with random men promoting premiscuity. Hayley is a psycho and her and her puppets repeat over and over again they are going to pull jesus christ out in the open to kill him that's how sick she is. she walks around lying to people about me claiming I am crazy and a drug addict criminal. you want to claim you haven't done that your sending messages on facebook moron that is evidence collected by investigators. she is the dumbest most self absorbed cat that ever walked the earth and her rain of terror will be over very soon.

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