It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Security director of mystic lake

that's right folks this man lied to me and said that he is the security director of mystic lake casino. as all of you have read in this blog the letter told me that the only business that I can go to the casino for is appealing the exclusion. it listed the address and said I am to ask for the security director. i followed the instructions to a T. this man who claims to be the security director never gave me his name and then claimed the letter says things it does not even say. he repeated the exact words of the nsa agent houston street the dirty nsa agent in San Antonio Texas and now I know who the moron is they brought in recently. thank god I went to learn this fact. that is the moron who started sending helicopters and small engine planes over my head even though there was an agreement with Minnesota not to do to that. I also heard the words of Ted Cruz concerning pictures and whether or not I can use the pictures. Prior Lake Officers had their Coban recording systems on are you going to tell them they don't have permission to use your picture? Ted Cruz your a moron I don't need your permission and then he said he would sue me for damages if I used his picture. I was told by the FBI I need to take pictures of all my attackers and I am doing nothing wrong. senator Ted Cruz doesn't even know the law. this security director says the letter says I need to mail in my appeal and wait for an invitation you ALL look at that letter do you see that written anywhere in that letter? that man claiming to be a security director pulled it out of thin air some process that was not written you look at that letter see that it says I need to go to that address ask for the director of security and present my appeal. susan cia idiot admitted this is one of her idiots and the indians allowed her to take over their casino. well Susan CIA operative just sank another buisness. that security director refused to take my appeal refused to listen to me or my appeal. that's what Ted Cruz does. he also will talk to you threw his clenched teeth telling you he will introrupt you as long as you are not saying what he wants to hear. this highly unprofessional man that has no people skills refused to read or see the letter at face value he saw things that were not there rewriting the letter telling me I was going to jail even though I was doing as the letter told me to do. that man claiming that he is security director said he was going to hold me putting me on a bus to marchall transit center. i got on the bus that i rode to get there. everyone look close Ted Cruz had someone waiting for me at that Transit center and I was not safe nor am I safe with sick Ted Cruz and CIA Susan controling all these fools. I love the wolves but look what they have done to me yet a forth time. Burn it all.

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