It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Filing a complaint with airport police

I'm here at the airport filing a complaint against the police officers that attacked me on August 13th. they're supervisor decided that I couldn't use the word attack but he's wrong he's going to watch and see and be schooled when I get to the mayor's office I'll be using the word attacked as well. when the investigators look in your phones and see that you were receiving pictures of me pictures of a blanket pictures of a bag and instructed to harass me and attack me that's called collusion that's called becoming a part of conspiracy it's also called trees and espionage after everything the black lives matters protesters did to modify the behavior of these dirty police officers they still don't know how to act right and they still don't know how to respect civil rights. officer Jay Dixon would you see pictured here doesn't know the law after I showed him a boarding pass he accused me of trespassing the moron doesn't understand the law and I don't need any explanations about whether or not this is a privately owned corporation it doesn't matter. you are interrupting and inhibiting the revenue of that private organization the private entity which owns the airport and I don't think they're going to be very happy about it. you are making a lawsuit for that private entity and that private organization that owns the airlines and they're not going to be very happy about that either. when you collude with officer Christopher deck and the psychopath cold blooded killer named Andrea you become a part of major investigation that's been happening for the last 30 years and I intend I'm making sure you have no more badge you don't even know the law if somebody has a boarding pass they're not trespassing but you are guilty of harassment you have no right to ask me for my ID unless I committed a crime and you violated my civil rights and you broke the law. this piece of crap followed me all the way to the light rail we got in the tram and made sure that I got on the light rail then he had two other officers waiting as if I had committed a crime which actually I did nothing wrong. while I was here at the airport it felt like somebody had put their hand on my back and I became very ill this man is a part of that and he will pay the price for his crimes

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