It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Christopher dech the piece of crap stepped in

so yesterday I told the story about how Maria Perez would come to the Starbucks and she would buy food and coffee for other homeless people and she would continue asleep rubber Maggie stare at me making sure I saw that she didn't. today Christopher deck and that moron NSA agent that worked at the victory center right after they called and had police officers in Bloomington pull me out of elevator I needed shelter and we're going to tell that story about elevator and an officer Christopher deck and I'll slow down weapon trying to pry over the doors. but let's focus on the fact that these morons think that they're going to repeat everything about it and they have some creepy bastard coming in here buying through making sure that he eat because I'm starving I have a dream I don't have any money because Christopher duck thinks that he's going to decide when I get my bank account. this moron creepy death and the NSA agent that worked at the victory center whose name I just don't know his wife is such a piece of crap. they brought their 12 year old daughter with them and decided to teach her how to play I can't stand it when they're bringing their children this is disgusting they're raising their children will be sociopathy criminals and you wonder what's wrong with today's inside that man shouldn't even be an NSA agent he's a moron. now he's announcing that I was never supposed to have a VA card because he was manipulating the VA making sure that I never got a card at the VA I was wondering why they were being so stupid about the card. now I have a VA car I'm putting the VA card in my wallet and this moron and announces she wasn't supposed to happen.

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