It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 25, 2022

University police officer

last night after going to the graduate and trying to get a room and having my car declined again the young man behind the desk was gracious enough to print up the error code that they're putting in the systems. I tried to show him that and ask him to make a copy of it for the police report and he didn't when he read it he didn't seem to recognize what it is or understand what I needed a police report for. the comprehension level of this police officer was very concerning he continuously asked me now what is happening and how did it happen. at one point in time he started to say well if it's your ex-husband accessing your account then that's okay how the heck is it okay it's fried it's a felony. i continuously tried to explain to him how my ex-husband access to the account at one point I was telling him the story of how he gained access to my account and he cut me off he stopped me from talking. then the officer claimed that he didn't understand how he got got access to my account and how it was that he was taking money out of my account. I had to say to the officer I was explaining that to you and you cut me off and stopped me from talking and refused to let me speak. you know who has a real problem with this officer Christopher deck officer Thomas worm Ted Cruz Thomas dunwald they always interrupt people and stop them from talking instead of actively listening instead of participating in active listening they cut people off then they claim they don't understand and if they don't understand then I guess they don't have to write a police report. then this young man told me he was going to write an informational report that doesn't make any sense I'm reporting a crime and I need a crime report written and this young man is telling me he's writing an informational report you want to know who else does that officer Christopher deck does that. here at the airport there was supposed to be a police report written he didn't write a report at all officer Christopher deck an officer Thomas warmer out of control somebody better get control of these idiots. Haley claimed that she had done it I don't know what she's talking about was she talking to that police officer before I tried to get a police report what is she talking about what is that cat doing? so apparently I have a case number from the police officer and apparently there will be informational report so then I decided to ask the police officer how I would get an investigation done. he told me that after he wrote the information report that it would be transferred to investigation team a detective. if it's an informational report that isn't the way it works it isn't it strange that this police officer doesn't even know the policies and procedures of his job and of the police department? it's highly concerning I had to explain it three times that my ex-husband Rory Vance Christopher deck and Thomas worm are accessing my bank account and taking all the funds out I'm telling him it's $15,000 and he's telling me he's going to write an informational report that's a felony it's a crime I need a crime report. obviously the University Police department has a real issue with police officers that don't know how to do their job. there was an officer Williams with this officer. Williams was repeating the exact same phrase that Park police used to always say to me when I was taking pictures are you getting my good side. I'm wondering who he's been talking to where he's been you have friends that are Park police in San Antonio Texas that's what Park police say to me who is Williams? he was nasty snotty and snarky he reminded me of Officer Perez of Park police that's who we reminded me of. so all the pictures you see here are these officers giving to homeless people a hard time I don't know if they were creating a problem if they were destructing property they were very loud and there were eight police officers to show up for two homeless men they must be bored. there was also Saint Paul police officers helping the university police officers when they showed up meanwhile while this is happening I was in the station on the phone talking to dispatch asking for a police report she told me that that service is unavailable at that time at night and that it's only available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. you can't have a police report written if it's 10:30 at night. how ridiculous do you think that is Andrea? so when I walked to the rail because I was going to have to get on the rail after being declined again all those police officers were there and I asked if I could have a police report written they directed me to a university police officer Williams didn't want to do it Williams the one that said that I needed to get his good side when I was taking his picture the one with the beard. the beard is significant they're growing out their beard trying to claim that they are a part of the investigation team that is the god team they're lying they're being deceptive and they need to shave their face and stop being stupid. just think all these incidences that occurred and all the pictures that I've gotten and all the police reports that I've had written that probably won't get written at all none of this would be happening if I was staying in a room if I had shelter if my bank account was given back to me I wouldn't be getting pictures of these police officers acting badly I would be in a room asleep. that's how stupid Thomas worm Shanna worm Michelle Vance Rory Vance Christopher deck Eric Hernandez are and Crystal Hernandez I certainly hope that you're not participating because do you understand how many crimes I have that you have committed against me that I could go ahead and list here I certainly hope you're not participating in this Crystal because that would be you throwing stones from a glass house don't do it.

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