It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Deputy z. Haley Dakota County jail

deputy z. Haley of the Dakota County jail is an unstable piece of crap that looks exactly like officer Christopher deck. he has a temper just like officer Christopher death he says the stupidest things just like officer Christopher deck. when I was in the Dakota County jail I was talking to myself and myself this man was so hyper and excited to claim that I had odd behavior simply because I was talking to myself. he ran up to my cell was looking in the window as I was pulling down my pants to sit on the commode he said are you all right can I help you. I looked him and said are you going to help me urinate what do you think you're doing do you know the definition of sexual harassment you're looking through the window of the door while I am trying to urinate on the commode. that sexual harassment and it's very serious in this country there are very serious lawsuits for sexual harassment. of course this is not the only thing that officer Haley did he seem to be controlling the jail and changing the rules at the jail and all of the other officers hate him. I filed several complaints about officer Haley his odd and strange behavior in nature. his his behavior is odd in nature. officer Haley continuously opened up my legal mail federal mail he kept messing with he opened it on the unit at midnight did it while I was watching him do it. it was a letter to a judge and he as he's reading the letter he's laughing about the content there's nothing funny about the content you moron if only we had grown ups working as deputies at the sheriff's department perhaps we wouldn't have so many problems with a violation of people's civil rights. because officer Haley was so desperate to claim that I was insane and my behavior was odd he was writing Kia kite messages and putting my name on it as if I wrote it. when I started to review these messages I could see that they were things that I did not write. one of these kite messages that he wrote said that if I claim that there are undercover investigators working as officers then I am merely insane and merely a criminal. there are undercover agents working as officers in the Dakota County jail and the Dakota County jail is about to go through indictment. they're going to clean house at the Dakota County jail and you're going to lose government funding. you can think officer z. Haley for that. officer z. Haley pulled a warrant for my arrest out of his buttocks and he put it on my records and every time I checked my records using the phone system there was a hold on me. when I requested data and received the data that hold had five ages next to it there was no definition for the hold there was no reason for the hold just five ages in other words it was officer Haley's name and code they were telling me who did it. officer z. Haley would often go into my cell looking for paperwork because he needed to steal it and destroy it there are police reports and court documents that they needed to make disappear because of how highly illegal they are the police reports list 16 different spies agents and officers who are involved and putting me in jail unlawfully. you will find pictures of that police report on this blog I invite you to do a check on each one of those five

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