It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Christopher Dech & Rory Vance

so the moron Christopher who is an NSA agent that worked at the factory center and has a wife who is a whore. he apparently has been absent for quite a while and he came in here running his mouth he came in calling police officers in Bloomington and telling them that there's a homeless person on the property they went directly to the elevator where I was seeking shelter because not only was I scared but it was raining very hard. that piece of s*** has done this to me over and over again. him and his wife are quite a team of attacking me. people of authority are asking him what he did with the property from the Eagan Police department property room he started lying immediately telling his stupid ass lies. he's claiming it's still there and then he got yelled at her stop lying you stupid piece of s***. it was told you better go talk to Rory vance who took it. when he went to inquire about where all the property is and the cash Rory Vance announced that he spent ten thousand dollars cash. he must have went thru it like water. i hope you had fun. he claims he has the rest of the property don't believe him he is a lying sack of....the man is sociopath a rapist, a cold blooded killer guilty of domestic terrorism. he is unfit for society and unfit to be a father his wife has been threatening everyone on their team. i told them to go through the chain of command and because these two morons are nothing and no body they have no position in any agency they shouldn't be here it was difficult to get justice for the threats Michelle is constantly screaming she fell in suit with Shanna, Hayley, Jenna, Alyssa Milano, and other tyrant bitches that don't know how to treat people right. Christopher Dech always "Fuck" or "Oh Fuck" he was then making everyone else say it so i didn't figure out who he was. some individuals didn't want to say it at all. so he was punching people in the head to force them to say it.

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