It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Dakota County Jail

June 8th attorneys to report to the state association: Gregory Waltz 320-251-5000 I told him who I was and he said that he doesn't handle criminal cases. I never told him I had criminial charges and when I confronted him about the fact I never shared that I have criminal charges he said "well if your in jail then it must be criminal charges". There are a lot of people in jail with missdimnear charges this hideous statement makes no sense. Brian VanMeveren 651-788-6332 says retainer is 7500.00 not legal and not reasonable. June 8th: Called 763-780-8500 transferred the call to a foreign agent 8:40am Latino it sounds like. 9:25am rerouted call I called Stephen Walberg 952-445-2817 told me the firm doesn't take those cases, sounded like Carley Notch. 9:30am Lynne Torgerson 612-339-5073 where did you roll up from? She asked me where I rolled up from? You assume I am not from here? Then the woman asked me when I rented it? What does it matter when I rented it. The point is they say it was a stolen auto when I rented it. They say that vehicle was stolen from Florida. Then it states in the police report that Flordia police officers don't report autos stolen right away and they wait before listing as stole per their policiy so now I feel we should let the world know they have this policiy and procedure. Go ahead steal an auto from Florida and it will take 3 months before it is reported and listed in the NCIC. Jordan May is the one who tried to rewrite the charges saying that it is non-payment issue there was not ever a non-payment issue and the charges are recieving stolen property.

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