It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Airport police psychopath

officer j. Dixon at airport police. this hideous stupid police office you came upset when I was recording with my phone his statement was oh your recording that's okay because I'm recording with my coban recording system yeah your coban recordings disappeared thin air I'm well aware of what you psychos do. there was no reason for him to even mention the fact that I was recording with my phone there's no reason to make a point of it but this man was trying to insinuate that I didn't need to record the conversation and his accusations and his unprofessional harassment. the idiot thought that he could manipulate me by saying that he was recording it and I didn't have to this man was so nasty so snarky so snotty and the moron doesn't know the law. he told me that I was trespassing even after I showed him a boarding pass and explain to him that I had legitimate reason to be at the airport now of course my legitimate reason to be at the airport was because I was waiting for someone to come in on a flight and I was meeting them at the airport my other legitimate reason to be at the airport is because somebody put their hand on my back they made me extremely ill I had a migraine headache I couldn't see straight and it was throwing up I was trying to leave the airport and I couldn't somebody was keeping me here somebody who thinks that they are more powerful than what they are someone just like tycoons someone who needs to be stopped and I am just the woman to stop you and Dixon you will no longer have a badge you're done

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