It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The enlightenment of stalking and harassing sociopaths

I've just been informed that some of the information in the letter that I've been handing out to my attackers is not actually valid. Once again I was repeating the words of others I thought I received this information from investigating agents but I actually received it from the extremely fat trailer park trash that I used to be married to. He gives me this invalid false information in an effort to Gaslight me and make me look as though I am not credible and the information that I'm giving people is not valid. Then he tries to tell people that I'm crazy and what's in the letter is not true however 80% of what is in the letter are actual events that happened and just because I was wrong about a couple of things or I was a bit off but who was pulled out of jail does not make the letter invalid. And although he has spent years and man hours and a lot of money many planes helicopters City officials he has stolen the identity of dirty politicians just to Gaslight me and his objective of gaslighting me into believing things that were not true was to make me look as though I was crazy so that my testimony wouldn't hold up in a court of law. So that nobody would ever believe my story and all of the things that I have had to suffer through so nobody would ever believe the fact that he was in fact trying to kill me throughout our marriage and he tried to kill our two youngest children during their birth. I'm sorry these things are very valid and they are provable and James Comey investigation team has all the proof and the Witnesses needed to prove the crimes that Gregory Marshall has committed. He has lied to all of you telling you that he can create my Suicidal Tendencies and that I would kill myself and all of you would go free getting away with your crimes. You are lied to and you were stupid enough to believe such an outrageous lie. Why would you get away with your crimes just because I killed myself you would be held accountable for my Suicide death. Just like you're going to be held accountable for me being out here and having no money no food and no shelter I needed medical over and over again and the investigating agents watch this validated the fact that I needed medical attention made sure all of you knew that and when you ignored me and refused to give me medical attention do you understand the gravity of this you understand the prison sentence that will create for you? If you know anything about the law and you are supposed to know about the law then I'm sure that you can understand what I'm saying right now. Another thing that everybody should be aware of is the fact that even though some of my letter was incorrect and some of the information was not valid it still created such an impact in it and it still pulled all of those foreign agents out of hiding so they can now go to prison and back to their own country. So you can go ahead and give me a hard time and claimed that oh no she must be crazy because that Russian agent never went to jail while she's going to prison now she's going to get real acquainted with jail and prison she's going to get real acquainted with going back to Moscow and never being allowed to come back to the United States again so maybe I was writing down a prediction of her future the stupid letter did the

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