It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ted the minion I've been dealing with for the entire year of 2019

I can't stand this old man with the sunken cheekbones indicating  a history of drug use . He constantly gets in my face he said the most nasty and derogatory things to me here's the most angry and aggressive person of  most of the minions anyway  of the San Pedro Library at least .  When this is all pulled together  you'll see about two dozen pictures of this guy 

They must be desperate they sent Ted again the last time I talked to Ted he tried to Gaslight me into believing a fault fix story that Junior had died after falling down an escalator at the Central Library in San Antonio obviously junior did not die and this is yet another fake story that what they want me to put out there so I'll look insane I'm repeating other people's words how does that make me insane? See that's how the mind of my ex husband works there is no common sense there people you need to stop and think about what he's doing and what he's asking you to do what are you getting involved are you really that stupid to think this is going to work and if you are that stupid will then go ahead and do it but if you don't want the entire world to view you is stupid with the lack of common sense then the next time he ask you to do something you might want to step back and think about what you're doing

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