It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 11, 2019

Silly McManus

I was told months ago what his fellow sapd officers were planning they were investigating him for the crimes that he committed and they had no intention whatsoever of pulling me to safety they planned my death out here. They were doing the same things that the Castro brothers were doing and McManus trying to drive me to a state of exhaustion trying to create an emotional Outburst in emotional breakdown trying to cause a nervous breakdown and there is a difference. It was Nelson who told me all of this Nelson has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep any secrets he was bragging and boasting about it apparently that's where his self esteem comes from being in control of sapd and being in control of the torture of me. Because Nelson is that simple he thought he was getting away with it you were never actually getting away with it and I was just going with the flow they put you in charge on purpose to bed so that they can put you in prison. Yep and the fact remains that McManus did not realize that he was trusting all of the foreign agents that were members of his police force and they were stabbing him in the back they viewed him as Expendable to save themselves and McManus was none the wiser. The other day I was told that he was the one sending police officers at me on the day that Transit police officers were following me around and ready to arrest me whether or not he actually was doing that I don't know. I was just repeating what I was told and because there are so many dirty foreign agents at sapd it wouldn't surprise me if they were the ones doing it trying to frame McManus because it's always been their intention to cause my death while I was out here in the streets and then have McManus imprisoned for manslaughter. It's pretty cut-and-dry and simple McManus is the one that put me out here on the streets and if I die he is very much responsible whether they cause it or not whether they push me to my death he is the one that put me out here he's responsible for everything I suffered and he will be charged that way even though it was a foreign agents who were sending people to sexually assault me even though it was a foreign agents making sure I didn't have any food. Even though it was a foreign agents making me walk 20 miles a day McManus will be held accountable for all of this he's the one that put me out here and he's the one stupid enough to trust foreign agents who are on his police force. And those foreign agents that he trusted are the ones that are trying to have him charged with all the crimes against me all the torture and my death because he is Expendable and because self-preservation is there core belief and value. McManus just learn this today they told me months ago that's amazing you should really pay attention to your surroundings McManus. Pretty sure I told you that months ago to but you didn't listen did you and now you're in a world of s***

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