It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 3, 2019

sapd officers partaking in gang stalking

These sapd officers are in Starbucks participating in gang stalking. They receive phone calls requesting them to show up here. I'm not going to say boldly that these are criminal police officers or dirty police officers because the truth of the matter is they may be cooperating with this investigation doing as they are asked to do is a part of cooperating with the investigation. I honestly don't know their status until we're done. Many of the stalkers that are sent at me including these officers get very upset about the pictures that are being taken they nearly have an angry Outburst in my face and to all of you that are that silly I just want to say look up do you see the cameras in the ceiling the FBI's watching the recording they have your picture it doesn't matter if I take a picture or not they already have it their database is full of your face

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