It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 10, 2019


You know just like Dan who is the member of the  SAPD that's investigating there own team to think that they are something better than those that they are investigating you just remember that time out here starving I'm out here being assaulted I'm out here in need of medical attention and your refusing me all of that and you think you're going to solve all that because Danielle sends me an email for Haven for Hope you're chief of police took my house away all of my possession my job he sent people to break into my house and steel my thanks they were instructed to steal the things that were the most valuable so that I could not sell them and make my way to another FBI field office and you people at SAP D who are investigating your own seem to think that you're going to make it alright because Danielle offers to help me get into Haven I hope you realize how screwed you are you seem to think that you're investigating your own and that's going to make you something better and hire than them you have me out here torturing me you have me out here suffering starving and walking 20 miles a day and you moron think that you're okay that this is okay behavior during an investigation know you're going to answer global a as to why you would torture somebody a witness a victim. In your sociopath thick mind you seem to think this is okay you're wrong and your going to look at your own charges that's why there's more than 500 police officers going to prison because as you more runs doing investigation into the crime committed by Chief McManus your committing your own crime none of you seem to know what the law is not of you seem to know how to conduct yourself like human beings with any son kind of humanity or morality. So you go ahead and make your recording Dan and claim that you're doing investigation your going down with the rest of them.
 you read the note you know that James Comey is watching you you have had people tell you that James Comey is watching. You morons actually think that you're going to be okay is it because you're investigating your own and investigating your Chief that's okay and you won't see your own prison sentence. Allow me to remind you that I'm out here with no food I'm out here with no shelter I'm in need of medical attention medical treatment I desperately need antibiotics and other things. You continue to deny me shelter bathing food and you most certainly on several occasions have got denied me medical treatment and why do you think we made such a big deal about that why do you think we made such a big deal about all of this various times that I needed Medical. Because James called me and his investigational team we're watching you deny me that. It's amazing to me that all of you officers who are investigating the chief and his entire staff seem to think that you're okay while you're torturing a witness of victim how is that okay and what world is that okay it's inhuman it's a moral and it's against the law. I'm well aware that you could care less about my well-being in my health I'm well aware
You seem to think that you're going to keep yourself out of prison just because you're investigating Chief McManus and everything he did to me but you're doing the exact same thing it's amazing to me that all of you police officers know absolutely nothing about the law and know very little about Humanity and morality.

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