It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Planet Fitness 2018

 sometimes I don't understand the messages that I'm getting and I make mistakes I'm Sorry Miss announcer I didn't mean to be so cross. I was in a mood now I realize that it's time for me to tell the story of Planet Fitness I've told the story so many times I thought for sure it was on the blog. Now I realize it was on the Facebook's the Twitter and Instagram all of which have been deleted Mark Zuckerberg is great.
 I got a membership to Planet Fitness in March while I was driving taxi I was a homeless taxi driver so not only did I use the place to work out I also needed you for showering and changing my clothes. The membership is inexpensive they have little specials where you can sign up for $10. That was the special that I used and as I was spending time there my enemies did various things. Like for example I would park my taxi in their parking lot and take a nap before going to work so that I could be a better driver. My enemies would call up the Planet Fitness employees and tell them to have police officers move me out of the parking lot. I don't know who it was that called them but they argued and said if she is a member of Planet Fitness we cannot have her removed from our parking lot and we will not. It is not lawful and it is against all of our policies and procedures to attack a member of our gym. That was a wonderful response but what happened in the days after that wasn't so wonderful. It must have been the ex-husband nobody talked back to Chief McManus or the Castro Brothers
 so I had my favorite gym and I was spending a lot of time there that was Naco pass. I lost the taxi cab because my enemies make sure I lost it another story. So I was on foot and spending a lot of time at Planet Fitness. My enemies came up with an idea that all of the people they had stalking and harassing me would go and get memberships at the gym there was about a hundred and fifty people that flooded that gym and purchased memberships so that they could go and hang out just stalking harassing innocent Mother fighting for her children. Planet Fitness owes the Castro brothers and Christopher Wray and all the rest of the gang a big thank you because they tripled their revenue. I don't have the exact days and times of all the nastiness that happened to me inside that gym but I can sum it up for you. every time I would be using the locker room nasty women would come in there they would be aggressive they would be mean and I felt frightened frightened of bodily harm. Of course they were never nice they were always nasty but this is something I've grown accustomed to when people are nice to me I don't know what to do anymore. I immediately think that they have an underlying agenda to attack me to take my defenses down being nice to me that's what they do. There was a state judge stalking and harassing me following me around who went and purchased a membership at that gym. Yes I got his license plate like I've gotten everybody else's that's what I do. The fact that a state judge was doing this was so very upsetting for me it still is I still want to confront him face-to-face. I want the entire nation to see who he is and what he did.
 so this is how it happened I did what I always do taking pictures of people and license plates all of those people stalking me had their pictures taken they would get angry with me start yelling and screaming directly in my face just inches from me I have all those recorded arguments all of those screamers screaming at me was recorded now my enemies deleted all this from my phone and my social media but obviously the FBI still has it in their database obviously. I would use my Instagram account at my blog to upload all of these license plates so the investigators could do what they do we had both the FBI and the NSA at this time running those license plates to see who they were luckily there's a timestamp on all these pictures so every time they were driving past me and I got the picture they documented how many times these people were harassing me and stalking me then they would cross reference the stalking and harassing with the text messages they were sent then they will call the gym and talk to the employees and check the membership of the stalkers and the harassers they would also check to see when they obtained the membership. so in other words the employees of the gym were cooperating with the investigating agents of the NSA and the FBI. There was a couple of employees that were not cooperating and did not understand what was happening I'm not sure if these were foreign agents or just nasty people who liked to collude with dirty politicians and foreign agents. now of course all of the stalkers in harassers were getting very nervous about the fact that I was taking pictures of their license plates and unfortunately I have to stay this statement against the FBI told me that I had to take pictures of my stockers an dressers so they could conduct their investigation and anybody who's being stalked and harassed please take pictures of the people that are stalking and harassing you do not take it do not try to ignore it that's when people die. So all of these doctors and harassers would go to the manager complaining that I was taking pictures of their plates then the Castro brothers and Christopher Wray were calling her complaining to her that I needed to be controlled and she needs to stop me from taking pictures and once again let me make the statement welcome to America we are allowed to take pictures there is no law against taking pictures and this is an FBI investigation so buzz off I had a moron it cop tell me that's not the weird things Welcome to the Real World stupid how the hell would you know.
 you see it was March that I went to the NSA to get their help and this was happening in June so they were hot on this subject matter they pulled several members of the gym aside and gave them my real story many of these women came in the gym crying crying very hard after talking to NSA agent I don't know what they said to him but I was pretty happy that they were confronted.  many of the stalkers that were members of the gym and other stalkers that were confronted by the NSA were told that they would cooperate with the investigation or they would be arrested for obstruction of justice they did have a couple of people that were dumb enough to say I will not cooperate with the investigation and they did in fact arrest them for obstruction of justice. Of course the rumor of two people being arrested for obstruction of justice spread through the rest of the minions which was a good thing for the investigators so they could get control of these sociopaths.
 so I've spent the week reflecting on the Planet Fitness events knowing that the employees we're cooperating with the FBI and NSA agents then the manager started throwing a fit at me I only had a few days left on my membership. She was yelling and screaming and creating a huge scene in front of everybody about me taking pictures in the parking lot of license plates now of course there is no policy or procedure in place that I was violating by taking pictures as I said before it's perfectly legal. she told me she was going to ban me for life and that I'm no longer allowed to come to the gym she told me to go to the locker room and get my bag and leave the premises or she would call police officers. it was a nasty and horrible experience and I did send several emails to the corporate office. I put it behind me and I continued on with other Ventures that I was being delivered by Foreign agents and dirty politicians. Now that I reflect back on it I realize that all of those employees were cooperating with investigators so the manager must have been to. You see what happens when they're asked to cooperate with the investigation they continue to talk to the Castro Brothers Hillary Clinton Christopher Wray and the rest of the demons and agree to do the things the demons are asking them to do certified undercover minion a double minion is what I call them. The reason that she had to have the loud angry Outburst all over me in front of everybody in the gym is so that they could report back to the dirty politicians that she had taken care of the matter and she had to earn their trust to. She's one smart cookie and she's a really good actress to as you can imagine I was calling her choice names after being screamed at but now I'm seeing it in a different light all together.

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