It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Minion Jeff Reynolds

This is a minion that you have been sending at me for years he has done several disgusting things to me and asked me to do several disgusting things that I refused . This is another creep that needs to learn no means no . I recently dirty police officers paid him $150 to come at me to be disgusting once again to keep me from taking pictures and at one point he offered to get a room but I could only stay in the room if I agreed to have sex with him  that's how disgusting this drug addict gets .  Approximately two weeks ago he was picked up  for having drugs . This is a felony charge in most people get up to 10 years for the amount that he was  church . On October 22nd he went to a court of law and found that he had never been charged with any crime whatsoever . He claims that he's not working because he has a PR Bond and he has to report weekly . I don't think that's a real good reason to stop working another thing that  he should have stopped doing was the drugs which he has not stopped doing .  Volume is in a court of law he was told to use military court so he would only get probation isn't that nice . I asked for military Court more than once and I was denied each time . A dirty police officers told me they don't have to give me military Court I know it only goes to their special friends who they pay to commit crimes .  Jeff and shared with me that he has a job interview with the city and he will be working in the maintenance department making $15.50 an hour . And when you do crimes and favors for dirty police officers this is how you're rewarded . And do you think these police officers are doing a favor for the city it cost money and takes time to train people . When Jeff goes on a drug binge it takes 3 days .  After having employment with the city he will have a drug binge and the city will have a no-show employee for 3 days . It's my guess that they will keep him employed even though you will continuously do this . Haven for Hope said that they were looking for him because they wanted him to be the face of homeless veterans  doesn't that usually include a success story  where you were homeless and now you're not where you were drug addict and now you're not  question mark does this make any sense  well as I said before there are so many rewards to wreak when you're doing favors and committing crimes for dirty police officers  and that's what he should be a face for 

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