It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lightning and thunderstorm drained all night long

I was trapped in a lightning and thunderstorm all night long. This is gone way too far last winter I had with freezing moo near death. They kept sending criminals to steal my blankets torturing me and trying to cause my death trying to cause my emotional breakdown. And now I'm out here again suffering it through rain thunder and lightning. It was freezing and I was soaking wet,  after as much pressure as I have endured for this investigation you would think that would be enough you would think that I would be pulled to safety because it's not safe. Being poisoned every day isn't safe either.  and I'm being poisoned all day everyday but I'm still out here being tortured for this investigation. My children are still being abused and they still do not have a mother. For this investigation and I'm sure it's pretty obvious to everybody that Robert Mueller and James Comey seem to think it's all right for three children it to be abused and tortured brainwashed and poisoned so they can play childish games with foreign agents. They are no better than the sick people who are attacking me. They seem to think they have something to hold over the cia's had with waterboarding but take a look what they're doing to me which is so much worse than waterboarding I would actually prefer the water boarding compared to the torture that I have been subjected to for many years. I continuously beg to be done and I know they have enough and all of these criminals put them away for a long time. I know that they have enough to do around up of all of these foreign agents putting them in prison and then sending them back to their own country as we have done for decades in this country. It doesn't make any sense why I have to be continuously tortured so they can play childish games with foreign agents and dirty police officers

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