It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Immunizations for my children

  1. Unfortunately I fell for this too I believed that the vaccines cause autism. I waited until my children were five years old before I vaccinated them because I was concerned about autism. I read everything that Jenny McCarthy wrote, and I followed up with what this doctor said that he studied. I thought it was because they were combining the vaccines with one another and that was causing a reaction and the children system couldn’t handle it. I then had to jump through hoops when I enrolled my children in Public schools. But actually we have the right do not vaccinate our children. There’s a lot of paperwork to fill out but it’s doable they cannot deny a child in education because parents choose not to vaccinate them. However that is what is happening here in San Antonio Texas they are trying to deny children the right to an education because of vaccines. I was threatened that my children would not be allowed to attend the school I went and got all of their vaccines caught up because of the threat

Gregory Marshall was working so hard on finding things that could be held against me in a court of law. He decided that because I adopted this belief when our children were babies he could hold it against me in a court of law. I was afraid autism so I decided the children would be five or more before they got their immunizations. When Texas school systems gave me a hard time I went and got all the proper paper work to make sure they could not deny my babies an education and added to their files. I took all the necessary steps including going to their pediatricians to have it signed and physicals done.  In the first grade all the children were caught up on their shots. Greg was using this against me while we were married he kept going to the school for no good reason claiming I was crazy just because I believe the doctor who claimed there was link. 
He thinks he is going to use it against me now as well. It's not going to work. He is not a smart man. 
He is also trying to find witnesses to testify against me and he is contacting drug addicts and members of his family. Proving his lack of common sense one by one I prove them to have a history of drug abuse and I can prove they have a history of lying. He attempted to get a couple of witnesses who have mental health diagnoses. He clearly does not understand what it takes to be a character witness. You have to have good character. Sorry about your luck. 
As they are delivered one by one I go into detail about their history, and my personnel history with these people and they disappear into thin air. 

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