It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Faith-based Institute Church

  1. when I was at the church somebody left a bag of clothes there specifically for me even though there are other women that attend the church that are in need. I did not see the person who gave it to me it was a giant bag that could not possibly be carried around the city. So I sorted through it to see if there was anything I could use and then I left it for other people to sort through as well. I only took about three items knowing that some of it might contain trackers but what I didn’t consider is the fact that it might be infested with bugs. And that’s exactly what it was apparently my ex-husband has done a whole lot of research into mites. And they figured out a way to invest these bag of clothing with mites. When I wore the clothing I suffered many bytes and it’s going to take a lot of effort to get rid of them and to heal from that. And perhaps some of the clothing and shoes that were there did have trackers in it but I think I was lucky enough to leave that there. I wonder when my ex-husband is spending so much time on contriving ways of attacking me doing so much research on various things like viruses and bacteria that he can infect me with calling up various people to see who’s willing to take my life or to stalk and harass me, calling up several government agencies claiming that I’m a problem talking to various police officers telling them to stalk and harass me to find criminals that will take my life he’s spending an awful lot of time on this. When does he have time for his girlfriend Kristen? When does he find the time to actually be a parent to our children? When does he find any time in all of this to do his job and earn his paycheck? He is completely consumed and obsessed by my existence and what I’m doing on a daily basis he’s in my phone listening and reading everything here he’s making up fake Obama speeches to deliver to me and he makes up fake IDs for a tumbler pretending to be our children. Try to imagine how much time and man hours is put into this how much effort on a daily basis he’s in my phone reading everything he’s in my phone using the microphone to record everything I said. he listens to every word out of my mouth as I walk around the city of San Antonio then he listens to every word of every person that gets to close to me. Try to picture the extreme Obsession try to picture how many hours a day this would consume. Now that you’re imagining that try to imagine how very sick this man is. How can any self-respecting woman have a relationship with this man knowing how many hours he’s spending paying attention to every word out of the mouth of his ex-wife what is making phone calls asking people to attack his ex-wife every moment of his day is consumed with what I’m doing and where I am and what people are sexually assaulting me.

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