It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

driver's education in Texas

 in Texas it cost money to get your driver's license where I'm from in Michigan is a part of the school system and it does not cost the only cost required in Michigan is when you go to the DMV there's a small fee for the testing and the driver's license itself. Tomorrow my son will be 16 years old and you can bet that his father is too incompetent to make sure that he gets driver's license. I cringe at the thought that Gregory Marshall is teaching any of our children how to drive because he is one of the worst drivers known to man. He fries engines. He doesn't know how to do maintenance on vehicles and when he drives a manual transmission he burns out the gear shift. He is the worst driver and you can ask any member of my family heck you can ask any member of his family.
I taught my nieces my nephew and my oldest child how to drive and they always start when they're 12 that way they're good and ready to take the test at 16. And with practice makes perfect it also makes for confidence. You don't teach somebody how to drive two months before they take the test. Two years is more appropriate. I was 11 years old when I was driving yes of course I grew up in a farm and you might think that's a little bit different but I think the earlier you learn the better not that I'm going to put them on the street on the farm. These are all the things that a I'm missing out on and be my children are missing out onto because their father is so incompetent no he's not a good provider he's not a good father he cannot even provide adequate accommodations for the children or nutrition. Of course he didn't pay for professional driver's ed. And I can't wait to find out how many bedrooms the crappy trailer home has that he has them living in. Trailer park trash I pulled them out of the trailer park and tried to show him the way of real estate and he's right back in the trailer park trash. You can take the man-child out of the trailer park but you can't take the trash out of the Manchild. He's lucky he's going to prison because he never invested in his retirement he has no way of taking care of himself in retirement. All of that isn't bad enough he's renting the trailer he's not buying it.
 Gregg Marshall just shot back at me that it is normal for people not to have Investments and savings for their retirement he also says it is normal for people to rent and not own none of that is normal stupid you're 52 years old in a few days you'll be 53 you have no Investments you don't even have a 401k. You don't have any annuities do you have health insurance or you are you relying on the state to give you assistance with healthcare insurance do the children have health care insurance? and you actually sit there and tell me that's normal no honey it's not normal it's normal for trailer park trash it's status quo for trailer park trash there's nothing normal about it. That's always been your problem your standards are sub you never shoot for something more or better you're not about improving yourself daily you're not about being all you can be a well I'm sorry I miss quoted because all you can be is trailer park trash you are being all you can be

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