It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

CIA wasting tax payers dollars Aspen Dodge

The CIA put all of their criminals back on the streets again after I announced in front of one of their dirty agents that I'm not about to fall for that crap  as they try to Gaslight me into believing  that they were actually handcuffed and put in jail where they belong . Now let's talk about Maddie McMurphy's  Aspen Dodge whoever whatever that is it's still the taxpayers dollars paying for this establishment and here we have all the foreign agents and foreign spies getting drunk on the  taxpayers  dollars . All of these dirty agents gathering in one spot all over the city  getting drunk as usual as I've said before all you have to do is find a liquor store and you find all of the dirty agents were traitors to our nation  James Comey didn't need me all he needed to do is put out a bunch of liquor 

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