It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Daniel SAPD trader

When SAPD took a week to scheme up a big plan to have me taken to behavioral health and put me in the hand of the foreign agent doctors to have them lie on my medical records they also decide to bring in this trader to our nation to help attack me she is very hyper to get me to go to Haven for hope and that makes me wonder what type of things, criminals and events they have in the shelter waiting to attack me. I have met at least 8 foreign agents that are staying at Haven and some how I think there are many more.
It is amazing how many CIA traders received the information that James Comey is watching and they were smart enough to back off to back down but yet we have SAPD showing the world how stupid they are. They have not backed down the attacks and they are simpletons enough to believe they are going to win this and keep themselves out of prison and it is just not true.
Why should I have to go to a shelter after everything I have been through? My home job and possessions were taken from me by Chief McManus, his foreign agent friends and the Castro Brothers. Now the astronomically stupid SAPD traders and Fireman engine 2 foreign agent think that they can rectify this situation by throwing me into a shelter with all their foreign agents. 

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