It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Colorado traitor to our nation

This piece of crap sociopath has been in art state for many months the taxpayers are paying for his accommodations and that vehicle that is using to stalk and harassment all over the city chasing me down the taxpayers paid for that too . That's a lovely message to send Americans go ahead and commit treason be a traitor to our nation and attack our freedom and we're going to let you be free and we're going to let you  write off  motel rooms in automobiles . He seems so confused why I'm so upset he's been attacking me for months the moron was stupid enough to believe that my ex-husband was a victim of domestic violence after trying to take my life and the lives of my two youngest children attacking me for a sociopath a killer and a rapist a child beater  and this demon should be held accountable for all of those crimes my children are still being abused and they're being poisoned . I've been unable to save them from that abuse because of demons like this this is a sick sociopath he is our next serial killer . Instructing the director of Cam Ministries to spread stupid Rumours like a high school child that the Catholic Worker house a complete and total lie a fabrication . They are instructing the criminals on the streets to have angry outbursts  in my face  and with each other in front of me  that's how sick this man is . Every morning he was at Starbucks stalking and harassing me  taunting me laughing in my face  this is our next serial killer watch him close if he doesn't care about my children he doesn't care about your children either he cares about no children . And you can bet cam Ministries was handing out poison food it just like all the rest of them because this man is that sick .  He made sure I was unable to get a shower like what is offered to all other homeless people  it makes him feel powerful  apparently has low self-esteem like all other bullies .  he was helping with the Espionage which was happening at cam Ministries and I'm going to go ahead and guess it is still happening all of these people were brought in from Florida Louisiana New York and he came in from Colorado  cleaning that he lived there all his life what a lie .  if these people are going to be punished then all we're going to end up with is a bunch of sociopaths throughout our country attacking our freedom attacking our democracy and our constitution because he certainly hasn't been punished and he's been doing it for years . I feel that he should be held accountable for the terrorism that he is subjected me to he should also be held accountable for the abuse that my children have been subjected to continuously with no break with no refuge this is a sick man  and he needs to be put behind bars he is unfit for society . Laughing in my face thinking he's funny I don't see anything funny about it  I see a sociopath a killer 
  1. Why is this sociopath still out here this man belongs in jail. And here he is running around loose he’s a danger to himself and he’s a danger to society. Laughing about children being abused thinking himself powerful and here we have another gay man ruining my image of gay people he’s going to ruin everybody’s image of LGBTQ

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