It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ceasar Valereo up to his same crap

He is still doing his evil bidding. This morning )ct. 13th I once again walked away from my drink while I was with him and he once again put poison in my drink. My phone tried to tell me and I didn't understand. I was paying attention and I certainly didn't learn my lesson. He was saying his pay didn't come in and he was starving. He was lying the foreign agent police officers were telling him that he can not give me any money because they want to be able to put poison cigs in my path. He made up the story of someone messing with his debt card. I of course believed him because that is exactly what they do to all my accounts and all my credit cards. This man is a wolf a demon he must be so desperate for friends he is willing to slowly poison a mother fighting for her children to death. I thought there may be an ounce of good in him. I was very wrong this is a sociopath with no remorse. I thought he had stopped the nonsense when I informed him that James Comey is helping me. He was aware and he did leave and step out of the game. He went to his sister's house. The two of them got in a big fight she was trying to get him off the streets and involved in this mess she knows the truth about what is happening. She had gotten him an apartment and he stayed there for a while until the dirty cops went and got him and pulled him back into this game. Then the last time he went to his sisters he planned on staying out of this mess until the dirty cops showed up and he was right back out here again. He has issues and perhaps prison will help him with those issues I don't really care. Nice that he helped to bring down so many agents and dirty police officers. Too bad he has shown the world what a monster he is.

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