It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


while I was walking to cam Ministries today  I was gang stalked by a hundred of automobiles  dozens of via buses were sent off their route drive past me . The drivers just looked at me like they couldn't help it I shrug my shoulders and said not your fault .  As I walked towards cam  Moscow Heather past me and was driving frantically to get ahead of me and get to cam Ministries before I got there  I wasn't sure what she was doing  but I knew I would find out .  I took all of my pictures and I stood in line for a sack lunch . Diane pulled me out of the line she asked my name  which is ridiculous because everybody knows that she knows my name she has been attacking me for years literally .  Diane said that she heard I was passing notes to employees  and I was taking pictures of everybody . Yes that's exactly what I was doing  and I've been doing that for years as well .  The notes that I'm passing people is my story my struggles to fight for my children my struggle against my ex-husband the Castro brother and continuously going to Congress  and the FBI for help . In a nutshell the notes that I pass is my own personal story this is a Ministry that is supposed to offer prayer to the needy and the homeless . All of a sudden I have done something offencive by handing My Own Story  do the employees of Camp Ministry  but anybody else is invited to do just that .  They always say that they are there to help don't you think that reading my story understanding my situation and offering prayer and guidance would be helpful ?  in these pictures you will see that there is literally a hundred fifty people here at Camp Ministries today . Yesterday there were nine people  because Moscow Heather was playing a game of telling everybody to stay home so it appeared as though they were finally brought to Justice . When I pointed out loudly and boldly in my blog that I wasn't going to fall for her little games  she called up all of her little trained minions  and told them to go to cam. at 8:15 a.m. for the prayer service there was nobody there this was a last-minute decision these people showed up at the last minute just before 9 a.m.  . That never happens .  as you can see Brian is still here Brian from Colorado who is guilty of Espionage and treason  working with all the agents that are inside the cam building .  another cool fact is that big sign that says smile your on-camera the moment that you walk into Cam Ministries . Diane is claiming that it makes them uncomfortable when pictures are taken  but yet she announces everybody that walks in the building  their pictures are being taken  so it's all right for you to do it but nobody else can . I'll tell you one thing that's happening with the cameras inside of Cam Ministry the FBI have a court order to access those cameras  and all those pictures that cam Ministries is taking has filled up the FBI database . And if it was such an issue why didn't she have a meeting with all of those in attendance telling them that nobody is allowed to take pictures and I assure you I am not the only one taking pictures because there are undercover agents out here in the streets .  And some people take pictures  just for the fun of it .  show Diane claims that I'm violating some sort of policy that does not exist  it is not written and she most certainly never verbally told anybody that they are not allowed to write down their life story and hand it to one of the employees quite in fact just the opposite has been told to all of those who they offer their services to . Have you ever heard of a Ministry  or religious group that is unwilling  to hear someone's life story their struggles  and unwilling to pray for them offering them guidance and support ? Well if you've never heard of it now you have .  allow me to remind you that Diane is the same one who lied to me and said there was no mailing address for cam Ministries  she's the same one that was colluding with Chief McManus refusing me certain services and turning me away for sack lunches the moment I walked up to the door . Chief McManus has been telling all of these nonprofits and other organizations in the city of San Antonio that I am insane and they should not listen to anything that I say now all of a sudden the things that I'm saying in the pictures that I'm taking make a difference don't you remember I'm insane what I say and my opinion should not matter Chief McManus told you that I'm crazy so why are you so concerned about what I said why are you so concerned about the pictures ? Then Diane went on to threaten me and tell me that she was going to charge me with criminal trespassing don't you find it necessary to inform somebody that they are no longer welcome on your property before you call police officers to file charges of criminal trespass  and that's what they did they called police officers before they ever told me that I was not welcomed there .  John was in line behind me  John has always pretended to be my friend because he is a minion  helping dirty police officers and  dirty agents  he started having an angry Outburst on me because of pictures I already have a hundred pictures of John and he is well well aware of that John has actually posed for pictures standing next to me as I took the pictures and now all of a sudden the man is out of control with rage because of pictures does that make any sense ? 

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