It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 9, 2019


I have been watching the ex husband desperately trying to find things that he can use against me in a court of law and this is one the many things he thought that he could use against me it was his friend a Chiropractor that turned me on to this study and the ex husband agreed with this theory and he was advocating it as much as I was and now the desperate fat man thinks that it paints me as a bad person and bad mother. 
The same week as this he got a hold of Amanda who is his brothers' ex girlfriend and mother of his children (the children are not biologically his brothers'), he asked her to testify against me to damn my character. OMG. OK first when she was sating his brother she was 15years old and pregnant when she met Tony Marshall she then convinced him the child was his and it isn't. He was threatened with statutory rape by her grandparents. She had lied to him about her age and he really thought she was nineteen. That's someone with good character right? She then left Tony several times to have flings ith other men and she left the baby with him. The baby isn't his and he has a real problem with crack, marijuana, and popping pills that he took from his mother. So that is a good mother and makes for a good character witness right? She went on to have several more children and none of them were biologically Anthony Marshall's but he chose to raise them anyway. She took the children in 2013 or 2014 to Kentucky or Tennessee. Anthony Marshall was fighting for custody and they are not even his children. Frank Castro Jr. called on this case and he was manipulating the CPS agencies in these states. Amanda lost custody of all her children and they were awarded to man who has a long history of substance abuse and abusing his oldest child Blake. So what does that say about a mother who looses custody to a man like that? She must be pretty bad right? 
So Amanda is going to testify against me in a court of law? You want the judge and jury to believe her and believe she is not lying did I illustrate her history and pattern of lying there is a lot more than what is listed here.   
you deliver them up and I will rip them apart one by one lets play.
Do you want your brother to be forced to take a paternity test? 

  1. Unfortunately I fell for this too I believed that the vaccines cause autism. I waited until my children were five years old before I vaccinated them because I was concerned about autism. I read everything that Jenny McCarthy wrote, and I followed up with what this doctor said that he studied. I thought it was because they were combining the vaccines with one another and that was causing a reaction and the children system couldn’t handle it. I then had to jump through hoops when I enrolled my children in Public schools. But actually we have the right do not vaccinate our children. There’s a lot of paperwork to fill out but it’s doable they cannot deny a child in education because parents choose not to vaccinate them. However that is what is happening here in San Antonio Texas they are trying to deny children the right to an education because of vaccines. I was threatened that my children would not be allowed to attend the school I went and got all of their vaccines caught up because of the threat

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