It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 28, 2019

San Antonio College Police Department

Superman sitting on the side of the road they used to do this all the time when I was staying it Catholic Charities this is Lewis Street. This is a scout he watches me as I walk to the college sending out text messages and pictures that I am heading to the college. And the other pictures you can see a dirty police officer off duty talking to the dirty San Antonio College Police Department telling them that I need to be kicked off the campus for no other reason than I am known to take pictures. This is called harassment this is called stalking there is no law against taking pictures and there is no policy of the college for picture taking. As a matter of fact when somebody is being stalked and harassed they are required to take pictures of their stalkers unfortunately I did not get a picture of the police officer that approached me the short female Latino officer who just lost her job. She is guilty of collusion obstruction of justice she is guilty of treason and espionage. And I look forward to her losing her badge and her gun no longer being a member of law enforcement. I was told that I needed to leave campus she lied to me and said the library on the 7th floor was closed no it's not it's open till 1 p.m. and she knows that I'm pretty sure that lying to citizens residence and members of the community is against your oath and you're a horrible liar. Telling me that I need to leave simply because people file complaints when I'm taking pictures is not a good reason this is a community college is open to the community at the open campus in the moment that you try to close it you get no more Government funding. Not that that matters because this college will be closed when James Comey completes his investigation. You can see in these pictures all the people that are involved in protecting whoever it is that has a seminar in the Moody Center today. I'm pretty sure it's not too hard to figure out who it is having that seminar one of the Castro Brothers maybe the mayor maybe some other dirty politician and the members of the seminar don't want their pictures to be taken because they are foreign agents committing Espionage and treason in our country attacking our democracy and our Constitution and that's why they need to make sure I don't get their pictures.

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