as I said before the president of this college is going to prison preclusion obstruction of justice for treason and espionage the man has been consorting with these people for years they started attacking me in 2016 . Many of these agents claiming to do an investigation have been lied to by my ex-husband they were duped into believing that he was a victim of domestic violence when in fact he is the one that was trying to kill me during our marriage he have been beating on me for 10 years he was poisoning me while I was pregnant with my last two pregnancies trying to kill our unborn children and me at the same time and these stupid sociopathic agents are stupid enough to believe his lies . I continuously tell them that it would probably help with our prison sentencing if they were able to go to the judge and jury and explained that they were lied to that they were as much victims as I was . They've been informed of the truth they know now even though they should have done investigating to see if his claims were true there's all kinds of witnesses and is not hard to find and it most especially is not hard to find for agent who have been trained to do investigations that is the definition of their job why would they take the word of a sociopath and actually believe him without having any evidence to support his claims his lies ? It doesn't make any sense none of them did any investigation none of them talk to the witnesses there are doctors there are therapists their family friends the neighbors of every house that we ever lived in were witness to the abuse these people are not hard to find and they're not hard to talk to either they're very forthcoming and they're going to make great Witnesses against Gregory Marshall you people don't have a case yet you continue to attack me gang stalking me sending people to assault me sexually and rape me you sent people to kill me as you're being watched doing this and you continuously are informed that you're being watched you're not smart enough to see the people around you or watching you and investigating you some of them are members of your own agency ready to take you into a court of law and have the Department of Justice put you in prison . The entire nation will be informed of how sick you are to help a rapist and a murderer attack his wife simply because he wanted Revenge you help to keep three small children trapped in abuse you're not going to be like in this country in fact there's going to be lynch mobs of Mother's hunting you down spitting in your face and throwing things at you nobody is going to think kindly of you everybody will see you in the True Light for what you are the monsters that you are using your positions and using your talents to help a rapist and a murderer who tried to kill his own kids and now those children are in his custody because of you .

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