It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, September 13, 2019

President Trump

Your investigators here in San Antonio are sociopaths who are not doing this investigation according to prototypical investigating. Nothing they are doing here is legal by any means. You will be held accountable for their crimes. All those attempts they have made on my life you will be charged with every count of attempted murder. They are denying me medical care and that is highly illegal and inhumane you will be charged and held accountable. I have been begging for them to help my babies who are trapped in abuse. They refuse to do their job and send CPS investigators. Not only will you be charged with child endangerment but I am going to make sure every mother and child in this nation knows what pain and suffering you caused me and my children.
You will not have the vote of any mother in this country and their will be lynch mobs of angry mothers hunting you down to hold you accountable for the pain and suffering of a mother and her three children.
Your investigators are treating this like a vacation and the american tax payers are paying for them to lay around a pool all day, eat at the most expensive restaurants and getting drunk EVERY NIGHT. I have been watching taking pictures, and videos and the american people are not going to be happy that you spent trillions on these criminals to party on the american tax payers dollars.
The CIA is buying up businesses and they are paying for construction on those businesses. They took over a college, a community college and the american tax dollars pay for millions of dollars in construction. What do you think you are doing Trump.
The american people will know about your fraud while you are attacking a innocent woman fighting to be with her children and save her children from abuse.   
Thousands of illegal immigrants are coming in and these are foreign agents they are soaking up our resources and you are causing this. While this is happening you are telling the american people you are going to stop the illegal immigration thousands upon thousands are coming into San Antonio and many other cities and you do nothing. GOLFING THAT IS ALL YOU DO
I am going to own those golf courses so enjoy them while they last you tried to take the life of the wrong mother

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