It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Minion complete psycho

This psychopath approached me in the Starbucks in the Rivercenter Mall. He sat next to me and he was hitting the chair that I was in because I have fallen asleep the reason I was so tired and lethargic was because I have been poisoned. My enemies expected me to expire my heart to stop. This man was told all the things that he should say to me and about me taunting me being nasty. He started saying oh something smells bad it must be my backpack. I had just gotten done complaining that I was unable to pay is and I stunk I reached and I was very angry that I was unable to bathe obviously this isn't fair to be stuck out in the streets because of dirty politicians and sociopaths and because of foreign agents. This man thought himself to be funny three pointing that out and continuously kicking my chair over and over again so I couldn't sleep. You see if they kept me awake and kept me moving then maybe my heart would fail. As he got up kicking my chair yet again and started walking away he said don't have a heart attack. Isn't that funny this big fat ugly disgusting thing knew that I had been poisoned he knew that my enemies were trying to end My Life by heart failure and he found it to be funny this is a sociopath people take a good luck watch him closely because this is our next serial killer this is a very fat sick man. And I don't know what kind of a man he is really. And the stench could have been you because from experience when I was a geriatrics nurse if you don't lift up those fat rolls and clean between them the Krusty grossest builds up and it starts to grow bacteria and it reeks worse than my Bo. So yes you probably do stink pretty bad fat man because you probably don't have enough sense to clean between those fat rolls. It would behoove everybody in the city to watch this creep closely as I said before that is our next serial killer he was probably torturing small animals as a child this is a very sick man.

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