It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 9, 2019

July 3rd Heather scheming dawn knapping

On July 3rd I went to the Methodist Church for the dinner and when I was leaving I passed Art on San Pedro and he came running up telling me that he was getting a room. He asked where I wanted to meet him and I said LuLu's at 8:30pm. Of course no matter I much I needed rest or needed a shower I was not going to put myself in a compromising situation. I was told a short time after that Heather was planning a kid knadding or a Dawn knapping and she planned on grabbing me if I showed up at that room. I don't know if I was being lied to or not but it really didn't matter I can not trust anyone out here and I wasn't going.
With the information I was given you can imagine the things that were going through my head as to what she would do. Knowing how the CIA like to torture witnesses you can beat the things she may have done.

July 3rd evening I went to Catholice Charaties as usual and Caesar had showed up that evening and laid down across from me I had no intentions of moving all day I was depressed and upset another holiday and I am still out here I am in pain and my medical needs are getting worse at this time. I hadn't spent time with Caesar in months and didn't know if they sent him at me. The answer is yes and he was going to test me to see if I remembered he poisoned me if I forgot then I might except drinks from him that have poison.

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