It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Dirty dirty criminal CIA operatives laying around on their ass

As you can imagine this is highly upsetting for me to see these dirty criminal CIA operatives are in the highest priced apartments in San Antonio. This is all being paid for by the taxpayers while they lay around on their asses doing nothing and when they are doing something they are committing crime of Espionage and treason against her country. This moron and his two women were standing out on the balcony when I was taking a picture he decided to wave at me in a sarcastic and ridiculing manner. Because he's a sociopath and a pen dick he thinks it's funny that I'm trapped on the streets and him and his comrades are attacking me stalking and harassing me a mother fighting for her children that's how sick the sociopath is do you want your tax dollars paying his paycheck paying him to lay around next to a pool doing nothing. The moron is too stupid to realize that he is being watched by the FBI in the NSA as he commits crimes of treason. Remember treason is punishable by the death penalty. And this sociopath thinks it's funny that I'm on the streets nearly collapsing from exhaustion starving no shelter no ability to bathe nowhere to go while him and his wife or girlfriend are stalking and harassing me all over the city that's how sick this man is thank goodness the tax dollars will not be put towards his pension because his pension will be used to help the deficit. Just like 22,000 CIA employees will be out of a job because there will be no more CIA thanks to sociopathic criminals like this.
 try to remember that this sociopath is keeping three small children trapped in abuse and helping their rapist murderer father to attack his ex-wife funny criminals to send that her to assault rape her and take her life how to take a good look at the sociopath laying by the pool and all of this is being paid for by all of you and the

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