It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

December 2017

December 29th at 0600

Today the evidence of abuse has been seen recorded and reported. CPS investigation will prove the lies our children have been told about their mother and the brain washing that has taken place this is a very sick situation and the results of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign's evil and unlawful bidding. They destroy many childhoods and family units

I went to see my children at WoodHill apartments phase II apt. 310 on December 28th and they were not home however the windows were wide open and I was able to see the discussing mess my children are forced to live in. I took many pictures that will be used in a court of law and will be given to CPS.

On the morning of December 29th I arrived at the apartment at approximately 545 am and I was greeted by Gregory Marshall who allowed me in the apartment. The first thing I noticed was a terrible smell of garbage, cigarette smoke, and BO. I entered the bedroom that is suppose to be our sons bedroom. All three of our children were in a bed together and Ava Joe was not clothed in that bed. It was obvious that the children had not bathed in a considerable amount of time and clearly they don't own tooth brushes. The odor alone denoted the lack of bathing. The carpets have never been touched by a vacuum and the kitchen had much garbage and dirty dishes from wall to wall. Many pictures. You can bet he is cleaning now and getting ready to lie to SAPD officers who were notified.
He followed me from the apartment and threatened me telling me that I would die. He said something to the effect of the same ole' speech he always uses; "No matter how long it takes and no matter by what means you will meet your demise". He followed me as I walked away from the apartment and was headed to my VA appointments and I was terrified and even though the trip there terrified me I was willing to put myself in harms way to see my babies.
After seeing my children and the horrible conditions they are living in it reminded me of emails I received from their teachers telling me they were unkempt and teeth and hair was never brushed. They told him they saw an issue with Ava's hair never being brushed and he forced her to cut off all her beautiful hair. She was in tears for weeks; he was too lazy to brush it and teach her how to take care of it. He had long very long hair when we were in high school so he does not have the excuse of not knowing how to take care of long hair.
In May of 2015 and before that time Ava had shared with me that although she had her own room she was unable to keep her brothers and father out of her room she was unable to lock the door and she had attempted to block it with furniture and her father yelled at her for that.
Ava during the first year of our separation made several attempts to contact me and I would get voicemail's with Ava telling me she missed me and her father was in the back ground screaming give me the phone, hang up now, he was very angry and I was in fear for her well being. I tried so hard to help my children but due to the fact that the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign had the Castro brothers in their pocket and they are in the business of hiding abuse and emancipating mothers from children I was unable to get help. Each time I went to see attorneys they were called and told terrible lies about me like I was mentally ill and I used substances and they should not represent me legally in court I then was unable to get any attorney's to help me.
My children have been brainwashed and they have been told horrible things about me all of which are lies. My 14 year old son had no interest at all to talk to me or even say hello. He has been told I am insane and I have caused his father to be in huge trouble. My son does not understand that it is his fathers own actions that is causing his trouble.
All our children and all the school staff have been told I do not want my children and I am not trying. By looking at this blog you can see what a big lie that is. I love my children and I am in pain not being with them.

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