It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 5, 2019

CIA operatives acting stupid like children

Last year they decided to put several CIA operatives at the San Antonio College posing as employees. This isn't working out well for them because he is a operatives don't know how to act like professional adults they act like idiots. At the victory Center which is the center for veterans at the San Antonio College there is a particular CIA operative working there driving a silver 4Runner. When he started his employment there it had California plates and now it has Texas plates. I have the plates and I have the pictures of I just can't remember what the last for anyway this CIA operative was stalking and harassing me all night every night they copied a form of communication that was being used by some NSA agents. They were being set up for this the NSA that the I knew that these idiots CIA operatives would copy the communication and they saw it coming In other words they're smarter than the CIA in other words. I call it bell ringing or pull banging. Jack was banging on a pole telling me when there was an airplane and I needed to take a picture that particular evening there was a lot of airplanes. I got all the pictures of all the airplanes because of thank you that particular form of communication. Well the CIA operatives were watching this they saw that and then they copied it they used it every night for months they used it to drive me nuts to harass me stalk me and try to create an emotional distress a nervous breakdown.
It was working too for a while it was very upsetting for me and finally I just learned that I had to ignore it I learned that it was my enemies. during the time that they were doing this I walked into the victory Center to get some coffee and to see if they could help me get my birth certificate and Social Security card. That way I could register for school and actually do something while I was out here instead of just being bait for a dirty CIA operative crime. When I walked in I saw all of my stalker is all the people that have been chasing me around up the city terrorizing me. They began to bang on the pole that's in the center of the victory Center and then one of the stupid Asian operatives was banging on the sofa in the lobby of the victory Center. They were taunting me they were acting like children they thought they were funny. Then one of the morons was talking to a veteran that was sitting in the lobby she wanted coffee he didn't know how to make it then he use the excuse there's no filters so I showed him there was paper towels he could have used a paper towel as a filter but he has no life skills didn't know how to do that either. then he started yelling at that veteran that was in the lobby I'm not going to break the Machine by using a paper towel I would not break the machine the man is just simply a moron.
After that particular day I sent an email to the president of the college telling him how badly his employees were acting the fact that they were consorting and gang stalking if they were terrorizing a mother fighting for her children. Get out of my phone!
After that email was sent to the president informing the president that they were rude and obnoxious and yelling at the veterans who are trying to attend school at the San Antonio College that idiot driving the silver 4Runner kept driving up to where I was laying at night he kept circling me squealing his tires trying to terrorize me it's my belief that he actually was going to try to physically hurt me after that email was sent out.
 after that I learned that the entire College was full of the CIA operatives and that Victory Centre they were using as a base basically. It was full of them they were using the conference room it was the African American lady who is overweight who is one of the operatives they looked at each other and said why does she keep coming in here one of them said because she wants coffee no I want to look at your eyeglasses.
 so another words the president of a college is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice he's guilty of being involved in a conspiracy of Espionage treason gang stalking and a mountain of other crimes another huge lawsuit for me and I am most certainly going to pursue it because I went through living hell at that college I was tortured by every one of those employees most of them are already talked to the FBI and they've cut their deal with the FBI but they didn't cut no deal with me.
 so that same moron I saw at the victory Center acting stupid literally people he was jumping up and down like a kid and slapping another operative five like they were in high school this is ridiculous supposed to be an elite group of people and you act like children idiots it's disgusting America count on you for our national security we count on you to be elite professional and smarter than most and you're acting like high school children.
 how heartbroken America will be to find out that you're all sociopaths that you've been bringing foreign agents into the city of San Antonio that you've been consorting an Espionage and treason because all of us Americans depended on you for our safety protect our constitution to protect our freedom and you're nothing but demons.
 I hope all of you understand that I'm going to take these pictures and make sure that media gets a hold of them

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