It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A security officer at HEB on Flores

It's no secret that I've had huge problems with HEB and I have one huge lawsuit against HEB. I was walking down Cesar Chavez on my way to the HEB and apparently a phone call was made both to the manager and the security officer here before I got there this was on Labor Day. As I was walking through taking pictures because that's what I do, the security officer approached me and asked me about the pictures and whether or not I was taking pictures. I told him no I wasn't he got snarky and stupid with me and told me that he was going to look at the cameras and see what I was doing. First of all you can look at the cameras all you want just because I have a phone in my hand and I'm standing at the back of a car doesn't mean I'm taking a picture of it stupid. Second of all, there's no law against that there's no policy written against that there's nothing wrong with that are you going to walk through a tourist town and tell people they can't take pictures.
Then he started to say that here at HEB we have a policy that says you can't take pictures while you're in the parking lot or on the property this is private property. Yes it's privately owned and it's open to the public and I'm a member of the public stupid. And there is no policy written at HEB that says that people cannot take pictures it does not exist it doesn't make sense what if there's a fender bender in the parking lot and you need to take pictures for your insurance company you going to tell people they can't do it because they're on HEB property that doesn't make any sense. The people that were parked in that parking lot where my gang stalkers people stalking and harassing me the FBI told me that I need to take those pictures and I need to get the plates of the people that are participating in gang stalking. Do you realize what this security officer just made himself guilty of I'm pretty sure that's obstruction of justice. He's also harassing me and making a highly stupid statement making up a policy that does not exist saying whatever he wants while he harasses me. He successfully made my lawsuit against HEB that much bigger that much stronger that much more solid. Also when it comes out and this investigation is complete whoever the person is that called that security officer and instructed him to do this has just shown that they know nothing about the law whatsoever he made that same stupid statement the HEB is privately owned. Who cares if it's privately owned it's open to the public what a stupid statement. so whoever gave him that block of instruction told him to say something very stupid and he was dumb enough to repeat it you can bet that person that made the phone calls that security officer is someone who is supposed to be well-versed in the law how embarrassing that everybody will learn that they don't know the law whatsoever. I had to go to the manager of H-E-B and talk to her about it because he's simply would not leave me alone and get away from me. Then the manager made up the same faults policy that does not exist and is not written anywhere in the policies of HEB. She was nice about it she was professional but at the end of the day she was still helping with harassment and attacking a mother fighting for children she's probably one of the many gangstalkers as well. is she claimed that we've had problems with automobiles being broken into and vandalized in the parking lot if anybody wants to look which is it's pretty easy to look they've never had a problem. It was a blatant lie.
 so then I went to the sidewalk owned by the city open to the public and I took pictures standing on the sidewalk the security guard nearly had a stroke,  you can bet that he was sending out text messages and making phone calls.ŕ

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