It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

CIA Construction workers destroying the city

  1. Just look at the scaffolding that’s going to fall on all of those vehicles. It’s pretty much guaranteed to fall because this is the same idiots at the scaffolding up at the AT&T building. And when I see this it reminds me there are 50 Department of the CIA one of those departments is full of construction workers who destroy things they don’t construct. The same construction workers that get in my face screaming and yelling at me that don’t know what the law is. Telling me that I need permission to take pictures I most certainly do not and you better learn with the lies CIA operatives in agents truly and honestly do not know what the law is and how it is written. All of us lay people all of us US citizens are walking around thinking these people are intelligent but yet they don’t know what the law is and they don’t know how the laws written that does not make them intelligent that makes them pretty darn ignorant

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