This man was doing the exact same thing he's driving around and around following me he stopped his vehicle right there where I was crossing the street he's on the phone in other words these are the morons that keep calling police officers to tell them I'm taking pictures . The police officers continuously tell them there is no law against taking pictures but they keep calling them when you call a police officer and ask for his assistance reporting a crime and you're lying about a crime being committed that's a felony it's against the law . Continuously using police officers and abusing the system that is also a crime and it's a felony and that's exactly what these foreign agents are doing . And I don't see them being brought to justice for this they are abusing the system they came over here and decided that they were going to commit all kinds of crimes and attack our democracy and now the calling of police officers and trying to abused the authority of a police officer you cannot stop me from taking pictures stupid welcome to America this is the land of the free free to take pictures 

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