It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 5, 2019

Stalkers and turning the passing of George Bush into an opportunity to gang stalk a mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive.

this man has been everywhere I am for the last week. He has been sleeping in a park pretending to be homeless. This is the same thing that dirty police officers do in San Antonio who are focused on attacking me and stalking and harassing. 

This woman stays at the local homeless shelter and the security officers there pulled her in telling her they needed her to follow me all over the city(downtown), I had her stalking at the Hyatt Regency and an employee was sent to persuade her to leave. I found it comical then and now that the dirty police officers and security officers think she will be able to stay in step with me. I walk quickly and have not found many people who are able to stay in step with my gait. Now these people are still following me around months later. President Trump and his investigators are watching them being sent at me by dirty politicians like Beto O'Rouke, Julian and Joaquin Castro, Hillary Clinton, AOC, Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and many more. The President is watching this happen and him and his investigators know that my life is in danger and I am being tortured. These investigators are not pulling me to safety and they have shared that the President plans on leaving me out here until I die. President Trump decided that my life is expendable in an effort to hide and cover up his crimes.  
You wonder why they have not started the impeachment process? He is still committing crimes all day every day and he is pulling foreign agents out of hiding to help attack me and make me go away. His indictment would have been less severe had he found someone to kill me. My suffering would have 10 times less, some things are worse than death and what I am suffering through and the abuse my children are suffering through is so much worse than death. I have been begging the President to pull me to safety and save my life for much more than a year. The monster has kept me out here torturing me. He began to contribute to gang stalking sending Air Force one to fly over my head and he has done this over and over again. The worse and most disgraceful thing he did which still causes me tears is when he sent Air Force one to gang stalk me when it was carrying President Bush to his memorial. Think about the gravity of this and the disrespect to the memory of President Bush. I was hit hard by this and still am. I am a veteran who gave my life for my nation and the pilots of Air Force One are excepting unlawful orders flying off course to come through San Antonio while carrying one of our Presidents body. This is so wrong on so many levels. I was being attacked by my own I understand being attacked by foreign agents I expect that but look what secret service and the pilots of of Air Force One decided to attack a mother fighting for her children a veteran how sick is that? Please try to imagine how devastating this is how disrespectful and disgraceful to our country and to the Bush Family. Who does this man think he is telling these pilots to take President Bush's body off course. What if something happened as they flew in circles over San Antonio Texas over and over again. Why would he use the death of one of our a Presidents as an opportunity to attack an innocent mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive. This is a gross abuse of his power he has showed us all that he has no human qualities and he has no respect for another living soul look at the huge actions of disrespect to other human beings; look how many women he has assaulted. Please america I need help my babies need help please wake up please help us we shouldn't have to suffer or die because we now have the sickest man ever running our country. He does not have a loyal bone in his body. He is fickle and does not ever keep his promises his word means nothing it will change in five minutes. Don't trust this sociopath please think about what he is doing so many details are not listed here there is so much more. 

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