It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 12, 2019


Kristen grabbed onto this little puppet. Junior has a warrant for his arrest and he’s supposed to go back to prison she held it over his head to control him told him that she would make it go away then she told him a stupid story that he should tell. The story went like this she’s a 63 year old woman he was married to her before he went to prison for 18 years and had two children with her. Then she went to New York City and she stayed at the state hospital because she’s mentally ill. Now she’s back in San Antonio and he tries to talk to her and she refuses to talk to him. He stated that they are still legally married. She refuses to acknowledge that she has a son and a daughter that he fathered. I watched the man walk up and try to talk to her over and over again. She refused to talk to him he keeps saying to her your daughter would like to talk to you she looks at him and says I don’t have a daughter and that’s not my name. Of course Who would know her name since she’s used 13 different names while she was out here acting stupid. There’s more to the story and it’s complete and total gibberish nonsense. I wonder what this moron thought she was going to accomplish with this stupid story.? I am very curious I wonder if she wanted the entire nation the entire world to see how mentally ill she really is because she’s doing a wonderful job proving it. How does that make me insane when you make up a story and feed it to me. I’m repeating it right now but I’m not repeating it as a fact I’m repeating it as gibberish that you thought of in your insane brain. How does this help President Putin destroy America destroy our democracy and take over? Because from where I’m sitting it makes him look like an idiot are these the message that you’re going to use to destroy our democracy and take over America I don’t see how that’s going to work. what this does is prove that President Putin thinks that he can grab with a bunch of drug addict alcoholic completely insane people can do the job of attacking democracy and taking over America. it proves that President Clinton doesn’t seem to have enough sense to pick out the right people for the job.
I mean the Clinton’s don’t have enough of a brain to understand who can do this job and how it should be done they don’t seem to understand what psychological warfare really means making up a bunch of lucid stories that don’t make any sense? How is that going to work? Some woman get yourself pregnant by a rapist a child beater a murderer who tried to kill his wife while she was pregnant this is not a smart woman she is not Elite. A woman dumb enough to get herself involved with that kind of a man well I did too. I have an excuse I grew up with him my whole family thought he was normal and it was my family was trying to convince me that I needed to marry him stay with him I actually broke it off several times how about you Kristen did you break it off several times before you got pregnant.
So Kristen did you put a ring on the finger is it going to marry you because you got pregnant didn’t that raise a red flag for you? Aren’t you privy to all of the investigational information that has been collected don’t you see the transcripts from the marriage counseling where he was telling the therapist that he is incapable of love he is incapable of empathy didn’t you see that detail?
So Hillary do you call this woman Elite and capable? None of this makes any sense you sent her out to do a job and she was busy being bedded instead of doing the job that you expected her to do how disappointing how unprofessional. Or maybe I’m the one that’s silly because I thought spies shouldn’t let their emotions get in the way of their mission their job. Do you see me having Affairs getting pregnant? Oops you picked the wrong person.

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