It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 2, 2019

Hercules threatening me again

Everytime I get too close to this man he is threatening to do me bodily harm yelling and screaming I was walking down the sidewalk and had my hand in my bag he started yelling and screaming telling me I better get my hand out of my bag. This man nor any other man has any business dictating with somebody is doing in their personal space. He has no right to be getting in my face screaming and yelling that my hand is my bag. The moron then started screaming that he thought I was pulling out a knife or a gun because he's insane and because he does drugs everyday all day long. Dirty police officers have given him a mysterious block of instruction to continuously have Angry outburst and to threaten to do me bodily harm this man ran up on me screaming and yelling at me and he did it twice not once I was simply trying to walk down the sidewalk I was minding my own business. I don't know what you dirty police officers think that you're doing sending these criminals these animals at me but what you are doing is making your prison sentence that much bigger. I am constantly threatened he is constantly telling me what he's going to do to my body and today he ran up on me and he nearly did what he has threatened in the past to do. Of course I can't get any help from police officers I can't file a police report when these aggressive animals are getting in my face yelling and screaming because you dirty police officers are criminals you took a oath and you never once upheld that oath you don't uphold the law you break the law. Once again I have no safe place to go I have no food I have no money and police officers are sending criminals to do me bodily harm and to end my life. I'd like to know when there's going to be Justice I'd like to know when you see it Justified that I am pulled to safety you watching me being stalked and harassed every day. Most people in our country are pulled to safety when they're being stalked and harassed. But since our president sent investigators to investigate months ago nothing has occurred as far as me being pulled to safety. I've been showing all of the stalking and harassing on all of my social media and at what point do these investigators have common sense or decency to know that I need to be pulled to safety that my life is in jeopardy. Investigators that he sent our criminals so I will never be pulled to safety like for example Nelson Houghton and Coleman who are monsters and they are the ones instructing all of these criminals and drug addicts on the street to have Angry Outburst on me and it threatened to do me bodily harm I have no help out here and I don't have a weapon against these animals

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