It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 5, 2019

Beto O'Rourke

Apparently all day yesterday and this morning I have been contending with Beto O'Rourke. He has made himself obvious with the silly trolling messages he's putting on my account that make little to no sense. He sent a police officer by the name of Davidson at me last night Davidson was instructed to hit on me and attempt to create a romantic and intimate relationship. Obviously I don't want to talk to any police officers I turned and walked away before you could strike up conversation. I have no idea why Beto O'Rourke seems to think that by being a Matchmaker And or a pornography director this will help him to stay out of prison. I have no idea how this man took mindworks it looks pretty sick. He is sending me messages on my Tumblr today telling me that I am infatuated and believe myself to be in love with a man that I barely know. Beto O'Rourke has no idea whether or not I know the person that I'm infatuated with. They are work barely knows himself let alone believing himself to know anybody else. Obviously he doesn't take his vows seriously and he's judging the world according to his lack of morals couth in class. Somehow he thinks if he can break the connection between the person that I have devoted myself to that it may create some sort of an emotional breakdown. I'm guessing of course. I'm also guessing that if one of these men successfully develops a relationship with me Beto O'Rourke believes that they can gain control over me. Beto O'Rourke has proven that he doesn't learn the Castro brothers and Hillary Clinton have been trying these tactics for years and it has not worked for them. They are now guilty of sexual assault and rape because they instructed criminals to do just that to me they will be held accountable to the crimes that were committed against me.
Beto O'Rourke for years has been continuously telling me that he's smarter than I am because he has passed the bar exam why is it that I know more about the law than the man who supposedly passed the bar exam? Why is it that he has no cognitive reasoning? The things that he's doing the text message is he sending the Facebook messages the emails and the phone calls all of it to be watched recorded and will be brought into a court of law it will be presented to the entire nation it will be presented to Congress. If he's so much smarter than me why hasn't he figured this out. Beto O'Rourke seems to think that all of his Communications are secret because he has a private Network, investigators have a court order to look into his private Network and collect all of the data and all of the communications. If Beto O'Rourke was so smart and he knew the law he would have been able to figure this out on his own. Sadly I continuously explain these things to Beto O'Rourke over and over again as if he were a 6 year old child and he still doesn't get it. Is this the man that you want in the Oval Office running our country?
Beto O'Rourke has proven himself to be a pervert apparently he plans on having these various men become intimate with me so that he can have pictures videos and listen oh, I can't imagine why else he's doing this can you?
 now they don't work is sending me messages and I don't think that I'm a drama queen. Oh no honey it's not me sending out Communications to various strange men telling them to hit at a mother fighting for her children. I'm not the one communicating with dozens upon dozens of men telling them to help you attack a woman you have been attacking four years a woman that was forced to the streets. You have the Cornerstone on drama I'm not the one creating the drama I'm the one nipping it in the bud announcing it for what it is and announcing you for the child that you are. This little matchmaking game that you're playing it's not going to look good for you in the end it will be illustrated by the investigators the portrait of your perverted childish behavior will be displayed in front of Congress the entire nation and eventually the entire world. If you were so much smarter than I was you would have stopped this a long time ago. I don't consider somebody who has no moral compass no empathy no empathy no compassion to be somebody who is smarter than me I don't even consider you to be my equal. While you're attacking me my children are being abused their trapped in abuse I'm unable to help them and save them from that abuse because you continuously attack me. You care not about my children and if you care not about my children then you care not about any children in this nation you are making that abundantly clear. I promise you that your constituents and your potential voters will see this clearly the children of our nation need to be protected from Monsters like you and that's exactly what I'm going to continue to fight to do.

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