It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 17th Saturday take it to the streets nonprofit

 On Saturday at 6 p.m. take it to the streets is at the church under the bridge feeding the homeless. From what I understand they've been doing this for 8 years. They've become involved in this conspiracy helping dirty City officials and dirty police officers to attack and innocent Mother fighting for her children. With these people are not smart enough to understand if they've become a part of espionage.
Police officers and homeless criminals have been instructed to do various things they were instructed by Foreign agents. On Saturday there was another fake fight that broke out. Many of these people are using fake names making sure they use their fake names in front of me in an effort to Gaslight me. Some of them that were running around saying knife there's an eye if someone was stabbed. Three police officers a crime scene investigator and an ambulance showed up. I didn't see anybody put into inside the ambulance. But I did see all of the homeless people acting a fool. The police officers that showed up where officer Ashby badge number 175 officer Charles badge number 45 an officer with a badge number of 275 with We the People tattooed on his right arm. Officer we the people was screaming at everybody that was standing in the street he was swearing at the top of his lungs and putting his finger in their face telling them to shut up.
A woman who made up the name Ashley claimed that it was her brother that was involved in the altercation. She was running around trying to tell police officers that he was innocent. That's when officer we the people started swearing and yelling and telling people to shut off at the top of his lungs. If this was a real incident and she was genuinely upset and worried about her brother don't you think that it would have been the right course of action for him to explain to her that they have her procedure to follow and if he is innocent the procedure will prove it. Would have been nice for him to diffuse her upset and her anger and act like a professional? Don't you think it would have been nice for him to show some apathy and empathy and professionalism. Wouldn't have been nice of him to treat everybody that was in that crowd with some Civility and some respect? That's not at all what happened. They were acting like primitive Neanderthals. It's my belief that this was a fake incident these police officers were faking this whole thing. Because that's what they do they're play action and abusing their position and abusing all of the city equipment making up fake incidences as I said before I didn't see anybody being put in that ambulance.
They eventually took the woman over to their vehicle and searched her and arrested her the woman that claims her name is Ashley of course that's a fake name. Then they pulled a woman in by the name of autumn who you see pictured below and they searched her to with no probable cause. She walked away from the police officers crying and I assure you her civil rights were violated. They had no reason to search her she wasn't involved in this fake incident of theirs.
 Kenny is one of the CEOs of the nonprofit take it to the streets. They normally put out tables play music for people and feed people and they've been doing this for years. During this incident he decided to make an announcement to everybody that there has been fights for the last 3 weeks and we all need to hold each other accountable to stop the fighting. First of all I don't know where his train of thought is this is not the military you are not the drill sergeant and these are not soldiers. You can't possibly expect these homeless and criminal people to hold each other accountable for their bad behavior and violations of law. The moment one of them turns to another and tries to correct each other another physical altercation will break out. There will be verbal altercations telling each other off swearing at each other's screaming. So you see with Kenny's ignorance and his misguided announcement what he's doing is creating more problems creating more violence creating stabbings and shootings telling people they have to correct each other. We are accountable for ourselves and ourselves only. The moment these people start pointing their fingers at each other there will be bloodshed.
 Kenny then decided that he would leave everybody in the streets and leave the parking lot closed. He said that he would give food out and that we would have to sit on the street to eat it. It was a form of punishment because there was fighting and a stabbing. He was holding everybody accountable for the actions of some criminals. The thing is Kenny is well aware that it was a fake but he is well aware that all the fights that were happening at the take it to the street event we're play acting these people were instructed to do this by dirty cops none of it was real.
As everyone knows 501c have a mission statement they get grant money and they are tax-exempt. The government keeps a close eye on all nonprofits to make sure that they are actually adhering to their mission statement that they are actually using the grant money in the manner that they told the government they would be using that grant money. If playing along with dirty police officers and dirty City officials is in your mission statement then I guess you get to keep your 501 C and your grant money. Punishing all these people because three individuals we're fake fighting at better be in your mission. I will be reporting this to the Secretary of State the Better Business Bureau consumers Affairs and our governor. Then I will go to a federal level to file a complaint. What you're playing with is espionage collusion obstruction of justice stalking and harassing an innocent Mother fighting for children. None of this is legal and you would never get any grant money from our government to play games with this you've made a big mistake. Perhaps if you would have adhered to your virtues values and morals you wouldn't be in so much hot water your 501c is about to be yanked. As everybody knows our government will shut down a 501c that is involved in fraud and not adhering to their mission statement.
Kenny is simple enough to think that he's going to get away with all of this because that's what he was told by Dirty police officers that's what he was told by a dirty FBI agent. He thinks if he mixes church and state then he can commit whatever crimes he wants with his 501c.

  as I was collecting up information I asked what autumns name was this woman got in my face and started screaming that I didn't need her name actually I do need her name in order to write this story properly. As an afterthought Autumn said yeah she's my mom. I don't really think that she is Autumn's mother. You see the street people out here develop connections with one another and then start calling each other cousin brother Aunt mother. When they start dating each other it only takes a very short time before they start lying to people and saying that they are married that's my wife that's my husband and it's not true. It's really none of my concern whether or not she is Autumn's mother because the important people the investigating agents know whether or not that's true. The concerning thing is this woman is so nasty swearing at people yelling at people throwing her body weight around literally it makes it uncomfortable to visit this church you literally feel unsafe both physically and verbally it's an uncomfortable feeling and apparently to church under the bridge doesn't seem to care to correct bad behavior in fact they're promoting bad behavior

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