It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Rory Vance and Sociopath wife

in the pictures you will see Rory Vance the sick disgusting pig. also you will see his wife Michelle she came to the casinos so that she could play mind games she thinks that she's good at psychological warfare she was sitting behind me on the phone after I was told to go over to where the car was and sit down so that they could play this stupid game. she was on the phone claiming Rory was going to bring all that junk over to the casino and we were all going to have a big meeting. do you see how stupid Michelle is she just admitted out loud in front of everybody that Roy Vance went over to the Eagan police department and took my property out of the property room. then she called my property all that junk you go ahead and you keep running your mouth which you pampered b****. I'd like to see you out on the streets going 15 days without any food exactly what you and you're disgusting husband have done to me. let me tell you what she does she manipulates women to find Rory Vance attractive so that he can sleep with them I was wondering why she wasn't upset that he was cheating on her because she's the one that served up these women manipulating them playing mind games with them that's why she thinks that she's so good at mind games she's been doing it to so many other women so they will sleep with her ugly disgusting husband. Rory Vance is a sociopathic killer he's a cold-blooded killer. he's in my phone right now manipulating it so that I can't speak into the phone and have anything typed in the emails that I'm attempting to send out Rory Vance is stopping it from going through. Rory Vance manipulates the employees of every organization that I get anywhere near. each hotel the employees are manipulated by this creep telling them not to accept my credit card because my name's not on it and as I said before I've stayed at many hotels that didn't have a problem with the credit card that doesn't have my name on it because I had to have it replaced he stole my purse and my bag from the San Antonio Police department's property room he stole my phone's cash and $1,000 money order. the man is guilty of felony theft and I believe it's Grand theft recounts or something like that. him and Tammy Miller my cousin used my phone's to continue to post to my social media while I was trapped in the jail unable to get myself out. Tammy Miller went and got an ID with her picture and my name then she rented a vehicle and Victoria Texas driving it all over Texas Lord only knows what kind of crimes that she was committing trying to fool everybody into believing that I was still out there free while I was in a jail trapped. Mr Vance has a bad habit of calling me every name in the book as if I've ever done anything to him I most certainly have not he seems to think that he's some sort of expert of the law claiming that someone is guilty of criminal trespass even though the property is open to the public he manipulates the cops telling them to commit these kind of crimes violating people's civil rights the man doesn't have a brain. he's violent he has a temper and he doesn't have a kind word for living soul including his daughter he's abusive to his wife and he's abusive to his daughter both of these individuals Rory and Michelle Vance are unstable and they are unfit for society they most certainly are too unfit to be parents I'm filing a CPS investigational report because somebody has to help that little girl. I advise all of you to do the same if you know any details about Michelle and Rory Vance and they're unfit unstable personalities and character and you feel their daughter is in danger the way I feel their daughter is in danger please go to the child protective services website and file a child abuse report against these two individuals their daughter needs help

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